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Forza Horizon 4
  opened by paleface at 01:18:47 05/27/23  
  last modified by paleface at 12:27:18 03/05/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Driving; reg=NA]
Well it's set in England sorta, where I have actually driven, and umm what was my other justification oh yeah and the devs are from there, so they should be able to do it right, right? And my 2020 mid-range gaming laptop doesn't quite meet the reccy spec for FH 5. : P
Also 4 has a LEGO add-on district which I want to see for some odd reason I can't even begin to try to explain.
  paleface 09:14:54 05/27/23

The game doesn't let you turn the radio off and even the "Streamer Mode" you would have to re-enable each time you run can still end up with copyright claims against its ambient nonsense on YouTube. There are some jump-cuts in the second half of this video where I had to cut out flagged audio section. (Also I had the game audio up a tad high.)
Fortunately, as I discovered after this session, you can keep the radio off by removing or renaming a single installed file; the path might vary on your system, mine was
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ForzaHorizon4\media\audio\fmodopus\x64\
(I renamed mine to Tip found at .)
The roads are real cool and the race AI seems much less boring than GT. I do wish your car didn't just smash right through roadway barriers during a race and go skidding off through the countryside; I mean, in a way that's cool, but I think usually, for a race, I'd prefer to bounce back onto the road.
Accessing the roads and races is way over-designed and populated exclusively by virtualized corporate hipsters of exactly the same age trying super hard to sell you on car life.
I'm not sure I have the strength to grind through a campaign thing just to have the cars and access to free-roam kinda thing. It's not even clear when it's going to let me access the two add-on areas I chumpily bought for twenny friggin dollas each. Hm.
Ooh but driving like a nutbar around the country town in the NE section of the map is mad fun even just with the WRX you get as the second car. That is EXACTLY the kind of city driving I've been looking for. Sweet.
OH you're supposed to use Rewind so you don't have to re-do a whole race if you miss a checkpoint. Ah er okay I should probably do that.
  paleface 07:27:08 05/29/23
Kinda gross in the sky area and stuff when turning with vsync off--doesn't necessarily get picked up in the video recording but eh I think I'll leave it on, that tearing is distracting.
  paleface 09:25:37 05/29/23
Tried overriding with Nvidia Control Panel's "Fast" vsync--might have been slightly less sky juddering but still some, so nuts to that. Back to the game's vsync.
  paleface 18:48:17 05/29/23
  paleface 16:11:27 06/04/23
   : "The Game Capture mode of applications such as OBS and XSplit are not supported in Certain modes. " (Ie use Display Capture.)
  paleface 15:05:49 06/06/23

You can tune the BAC Mono to have 10s in all stats except speed! And it'll still get over 200 mph so we're not talking slow here. Super nimble and may be the perfect car for zipping along all the little country lanes in the game, plus the open cockpit gives much better visibility than most, which you definitely need when it's like snowing or something. :P
There's a Mono in GT7 and now I'm gonna get it to see how they compare. Don't have small country roads quite so much in GT7, unfortunately. (Sneak peak: in GT7 it's fast but doesn't handle as well as its small size might suggest it would; maybe just too light--I suppose I could have tried adding weight or downforce; it's like a ninja in FH4! Oh and anyway I can't drive it in cockpit view in GT7 because it puts a strobing red RPM meter right in your face, yikes. So, the Mono is pretty much a loss for me in GT7--in stark contrast to its fun in FH4!)
The interface just gets worse and worse, now actually hanging/crashing on me. : P And there are preset camera shots in missions and stuff that just clip right through the world! It's like they didn't even look at the game they made.
The game showered me in like 35 free cars! = ooo Too bad you can't sell them aside from trying the player auction house thing. : P
Winter was kinda bleak, hunting snowmen was fun though. ; )
The Stunt Driver mission series was super lame. : P So far the strength of the single-player has been actual races because of the variety of tracks and the AI being surprisingly fun to race against. Did not find the "stunt" stuff compelling, and having to drive for miles to get each actual event is ughghagh. And as in the UI in general, the game excels at being unable to explain anything in any understandable way so it's all really confusing. (Finally had to turn on driving line just to be able to navigate, sheesh.)
Kinda left me down on the game; gotta get back to some actual races or something!
The game tried hooking me into MP with the uh mode where you're trapped in a shrinking circular race area and of course left me with no idea of what to do so har. Didn't find it all that compelling once I'd lost and did kind of understand.
There was aliasing visible along seams on the cars but wasn't so easy to improve it; after fighting with settings I found I could max MSAA (don't put FXAA on at the same time though--actual degrades the quality, sheez), shadow, and geometry detail; did drop below 60 fps in the benchmark test with the various reflection settings turned all the way up though so I left those on High or whatever it had put them on. You have to quit and restart the game to do benchmark tests and yeah it's all just more fighting the controls.
The messiness of this session led me to reinstalling GT7, I suddenly had a new appreciation for its smooth minimalism; I needed sharp driving and a regular track to race around.
Also going for some additional back and forth with TrackMania Nations Forever and GT7, I think I've well hopefully I've settled on a control scheme so I can just try to get this one down instead of having competing control sets warring in my head as I'm driving all the time: on the DS4 it'll be basically TMNF default setup with [] as gas and X as brake, and then for shifting in FH4 and GT7 R2 for up shift and L2 for down shift. Hopefully my dumb brain will be able to get that down okay. ^ _^
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