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Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1
  opened by paleface at 13:20:54 05/01/24  
  last modified by paleface at 18:29:30 05/02/24  
  paleface [sys=PS3; cat=Action_Variety; reg=J]
In the JP PS3 PS Store as a downloadable PS1 title, had just over the ~$4 necessary to get it, so. : P
Got it for Antarctic Adventure OH which I was confusing with the sequel, Penguin Adventure, but that's okay (that's in Vol 3 which is NOT on PSN and is even more silly expensive on eBay, maybe because Kojima pitched ideas for it for a month at the start of his game career?).
Comes out super-blurry when played as a PS1 PS3 game, of course (and in RPCS3 to boot!). There appears to be a lot less going on than in Penguin Adventure but it still moves pretty fast and those holds and walruses and fish keep you pretty busy. The sound is nice; there's a Famicom version but from video it doesn't sound nearly as nice.
  paleface 18:29:07 05/02/24
Oh! You can get an ISO (bin & cue) usable in DuckStation from a PS3 PS Store PS1 game using PSXtract2021: (cmd: psxtract -c eboot.pbp).
(Tried Antarctic Adventure in Vol.3, first two races are on brownish orange ground, shows right through what's supposed to be a shiny highlight on the penguin's head, and why are fish popping out of holes in the ground; oh and there's a powerup that makes your penguin cycle flashing colors. Also I think I didn't like the music as much.)

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