paleface [sys=GBC; cat=Platformer; reg=NA] |
| | Mobygames says of lead programmer Massimiliano Pagani , who developed Rayman GBC at Ubisoft Milan: "The Rayman GBC engine was reused for Formula 1 Racing Championship, Donald Duck going Quackers, The Jungle Book, Rayman 2 GBC." Pagani calls the game "my preferred GameBoy Color videogame" Donald is a simpler creature than twirling, gliding, punching Rayman, so Goin' Quackers is pretty much pure platforming: Donald can double jump, and when powered up smash through thin obstacles in his quest to oh well he's grabbing shiny things. ^ _^ Clear cartridge! |
| | Yes this is a year 2000 game. : P |
| | Tried to play through Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers for Game Boy Color in Mesen. Stopped after staying up late, got cranky, found I never wanted to play it again. After a bad story to explain why the levels have no connection to each other, involving the guy whose name is NOT pronounced like a Greek sandwich, you start in a forest, which seems pleasant enough. Eventually you are groped by purple tentacles that come out of the ground, and run to death by a cute squirrel. From this point the game is devoid of joy. DD:GQ uses the platforming engine Ubisoft Milan (earlier I forgot and stupidly guessed this game was made by Ubisoft Montreal, for which I apologize to Ubisoft Montreal) developed for Rayman 2 GBC--which was kind of a big hit for them--and reused in a number of later games; but--at least as seen emulated in Mesen--it runs poorly, has a crummy 2D camera, and by 2/3rds of the way through hadn't demonstrated a single boss fight against an actual free moving, interactive boss character. Duckburg is a slum. Inverted walking-on-the-ceiling stages are bad enough, but for some reason these are not just ceilings, but SLIPPY-SLIDEY ceilings. Nebulous platforming with unclear edges and remarkably poorly defined powerup items. Becomes extreme breadcrumbing: get the powerup that lets Donald blow through doors for ~5 seconds. Blow through door. Get next blue coin thing. Backtrack until you find what it changed. Go that way. Repeat. Donald has no reflection. |
| | I disposed of the cart in a fit of pique. : P |
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