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Dragon Tail
  opened by paleface at 18:37:15 02/14/24  
  last modified by paleface at 23:49:35 07/01/24  
  paleface [sys=GB; cat=Platformer; reg=JPN]
Download added: 00_cart.jpg (146421 bytes)
Known as "Nail 'n Scale" : P in the US. Found out about it from the selectbutton wiki:
  paleface 23:49:35 07/01/24

In Mesen, Easy playthrough w/ Inf lives cheat.
Things I got stuck on for a bit until I figured them out:
- you can jump in mid-fall after walking off an edge; almost all stages require a "fall, shoot, air jump, land on nail" maneuver for basic traversal
- explosive nails only work on breakable blocks (light or dark plain gray, but not the thin-edged animated face ones)
- enemies can move through the animated face blocks
- early stages give you extra explosive nails as an optional bonus--but in the last handful of stages, at least two require you to have an extra nail from the previous stage (or any other stage before that--but the previous stage does have one)
Links that helped:
- - Infinite Lives cheat (00B-7EF-E65)
- - Jeremy Parrish on Quinpl--similar earlier MSX game by same studio, Bit²:
- - playthrough - cryptic FAQ (refers to things by GBC default palette colors 'p')
- - hard standing on nail for jumps? Also this is where I found out about the game!
- (Portable Power Podcast) - Oh, clear nail doesn't damage blocks (I didn't use these!)
- - Ah okay there's no "Continue" option but there is level select when restarting if you hit GAME OVER

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