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NBA Jam: On Fire Edition
  opened by paleface at 17:19:32 05/10/24  
  last modified by paleface at 22:02:22 06/26/24  
  paleface [sys=PS3; cat=Sports; reg=UC]
Some PS3 downloadable trial games have a c00 directory in the game folder and apparently use it instead of more usual methods for registering the trial version having been purchased and upgraded to the full version, and RPCS3 fails to see the games as purchased; this was entered as a bug yonks ago for RPCS3 ( ) but turns out there's a workaround with some tinkering ( ) so RPCS3 haven't done anything about it themselves. ; )
I've run into it with Marvel vs. Capcom Origins and NBA Jam On Fire Edition (I don't even remember buying that but I guess I did?? When I fished it out of my 2011 download list today and was trying it out on the PS3 I was thinking boy this "Trial" version sure lets you do a lot, why would you need to register? Then I dumped it to RPCS3 and it didn't let me pick any but two people to play as and it was like oh I see). Since I'm using PS Store-purchased games decrypted by CFW the process is simpler than in that forum tutorial--only need HxD and True Ancestor Edat Rebuilder, briefly (for MvCO don't even need the hex ed 'cause the edat ID is right there as the unused-by-RPCS3 .rap filename, in fact!):
1) With the game copied over into RPCS3, open the PARAM.SFO in \dev_hdd0\game\NPUB30558\C00\ in HxD and copy the long character string that comes after "HG.." in the right-hand column
2) Run TAER, press 5, and enter the character string from the PARAM.SFO into the TAER command prompt (copy & paste works : )
3) Take the generated .edat with the matching name from TAER's edats folder and paste it into \dev_hdd0\home\[your user number]\exdata\
That little process got both games registered correctly for me in RPCS3. : )
It was an upgraded version of the not-on-fire disc version. I downloaded the demo years ago and I guess bought it at some point before it was delisted ~2018-ish, for some reason. I guess it does seem kind of fun. After playing Arch Rivals in Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (see entry 692) recently, I was looking at the Genesis Jams but they just don't have the visual pizazz of their arcade version; N64 version maybe comes closest, at least from watching it...but also apparently runs horribly in emulators, or at least the emulator I'm used to; anyway it also has a huge strobing half-ball at the top of the screen when anyone scores. I was put-off by the odd-looking 3D-ish characters in this HD--well, 720p, anyway--outing, know, maybe those fish-out-of-water looks they give you are appropriate. ^ )^ Anyway, although people who sound like they know what they're talking about point out what sound like some icky flaws in the AI when you try going hard at it, so far it seems fun enough to mess around in.
  paleface 20:18:29 06/26/24

- There are way too many buttons for my brain to handle (heck 2 buttons is usually too many in a sports game for me hahaargh)
- If the CPU's shot isn't blocked, it pretty much always goes in
- If it somehow doesn't go in, they usually get the offensive rebound
I don't really understand how this game works. = P Defensively, I have NO idea how you're meant to mind-read the opponent and somehow stay in front of them and then jump to block at the right time. I suppose I should'a been spamming Shove or whatever, however the buttons work for that. 'p'
The How to Play bit suggested switching off the default "Tag Mode" setting for "classic" play--and I did find how it switched between your two players kinda arbitrary and confusing anyway, so I switched Tag off yeah, that way you can just stick to playing one of your team's two players, while the CPU sticks to the other.
At least on offense, Spin, Spin, Dunk with LeBron usually works all right, and that's kind of fun for a while. Shame they gave Durant a lot of non-dunks. ; P Garnett's pretty fun as a slight alternative to LeBron. Couldn't manage much as Howard despite his 10 STR and DUNK stats, d-oh.
They should just call this NBA James. ^_ ^
The single-player campaign mode ("Road Trip") felt wayyy too over-complicated; I just wanted an arcade-style choose your team and play through six games or something, win and roll credits type of thing.
Might as well go Big Heads mode since the heads are slightly oversized at default anyway. 8 P
But the block or shot's in thing gets to me, it's just so dumb. Combined with being able to attack the CPU's defense the same way every time, at least with James, the gameplay got boring fast and each game felt interminable.
The "hold this button when you want to do good" Turbo thing seems understated and wasteful, not to mention non-ergonomic. ; P
And why am I always playing from the right-hand side--in every half??
And oh man the announcer has some actually terrible lines, like he would be so fired and not in a funny way.
  paleface 22:02:22 06/26/24
Ah and yeah that licensed music soundtrack = copyright claims on the video. ; P
· 00_play.jpg
· Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (PS2)

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