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Fight'N Rage
  opened by paleface at 12:24:09 07/19/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Beat_em_up; reg=PAL]
I keep forgetting this name so I'd better make a note of it finally! ^ _^
2D beat 'em up with anthropomorphic animal characters. Played through this with a friend back in the day. After that it came to various consoles. It was pretty fun at the time I first played it, and I liked the combo system.
Later I got kinda photosensitive from living a cave-like existence with bad lighting, and there are loads of flashing screen FX in this while fighting and comboing, so I haven't quite been able to bring myself to try going back to it. Also the combo system looks a bit overdone, but that's how it goes these days.
Released in 2017 by a single developer who happens to be Uruguayan.

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