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ACA NEOGEO Burning Fight
  opened by paleface at 23:43:24 07/20/24  
  last modified by paleface at 17:39:35 07/27/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Beat_em_up; reg=UC]

Trying to figure out which among the beat 'em up games I have from the ACA NEOGEO line on PS4 are worth playing again--haven't played through most of 'em since they first hit the PS gosh darn years ago?!?
1:09 - Burning Fight
4:36 - Mutation Nation
8:24 - Robo Army
12:50 - Sengoku
18:45 - Sengoku 2
24:10 - Sengoku 3
30:39 - more Robo Army
Mutation Nation, Robo Army, and Sengoku 2 are too flashy for my eyeballs, and I'm not really into Sengoku 3, so that leaves Burning Fight and Sengoku, I guess! Sengoku's kinda flashy buttttttt we'll see how I do.
Got a bit migraine-y today for the first time in quite a while ehhh I blame Sengoku 2. ; PP
  paleface 03:47:00 07/21/24
HM. Ah yeah I guess I should probably avoid Sengoku 1 as well, for that matter. Blast my eyes! Burning Fight is the sole winnah!
  paleface 02:39:53 07/26/24
2017, 2018 videos & notes:

Quarter-feeding in couch co-op with a friend all the way through ACA NEOGEO Burning Fight on a PS4 Pro.
Damage is high in this game and some of the enemies are just brutal, but for the most part the relatively simple mechanics--there aren't really any combo moves or follow-up moves--are very solid; well okay hand-to-hand weapons are a bit tricky to use, and jump kicks may be a little too quick in the actual kick portion, but at least they're consistent.
We didn't know that you get a special move if you press I think Punch and Jump at the same time--my P1 character, Duke, for instance, would I think do a crazy spinning uppercut that I saw him show off at the end of a level once--but the special move also costs you some health to use, so maybe it was just as well.
Duke's flurries of punches were quite satisfying, and things got better when I realized that if an enemy is blocking your punches--and of course preparing to launch a devastating counter-attack--you can often take them down by surprising them with a jump kick.
So, despite the friendly fire, and sometimes brutal patterns of enemies, it was pretty darn fun! Also there is lots of stuff to smash, which is nice.

Single-player coin-feeding as Billy in ACA NEOGEO Burning Fight on PS4. An early SNK NEOGEO beat 'em up, and not really a great one, but some fun quirks and a lack of flashing effects got me to give it at least one more go. ; )
The nuttiest part may be at the end of stage 1 where you're walking along minding your own business (3:03), a truck drives up, stops right in front of you, a guy proceeds to throw seemingly endless Molotov cocktails over the cab at you, you smash the truck's cab--complete with driver remaining inside : o--a wheel rolls forward and can hit you, then a big fellow walks out, presumably from the rear of the truck, and you fight him.
And a couple fun little touches in Stage 3: DOWNTOWN, where you smash your way past a "NEO GEO" office building (13:52) next to a warehouse with an "SNK" box in it (14:23) .
Plus there are little retail stores to go into and smash/loot (are you even a good guy in this? : p you also beat up bums who try to help restrain your rampage)!
The later going is not nearly as fun as the earlier parts, though. Enemies get really good at timing their attacks to start as you're getting up, so they hit you just as you stand, before you can possibly do anything to avoid being hit. ("Duffy" is particularly annoying with this.) And it has a problem a lot of inexperienced beat 'em ups had, of not knowing how to make fighting tough opponents fun: you hit them, then they just hit you right back before you can dodge away.
That's particularly a problem with the mid-game bosses--who also maddeningly will just get fresh health bars out of the blue when you think you've got them just about finished off! D ; ; then, in the final third of the game, you've got to fight them all again! Nooo. And for some reason there are three wrestling bosses who dress alike and use the same moves. : P And they like to stand off-screen and then launch their special attacks from there.
Oh and the Kick button seems pretty superfluous, at least for Billy.
It *is* kind of satisfying to knock a revolver away from a gangster who draws it on you, then pick it up and pick some guys (I think you get like four shots?) off with it as they, say, try to bounce over you and whip a chain down on your noggin.
(In the "Dreamcast" PS2 version of The King of Fighters 2000, Burning Fight character "Duke" is an alternate striker character for Ramon, and if you pick him in Practice or I think Vs mode, you fight in one of the street scenes from stage 1 of Burning Fight! )
  paleface 22:13:14 07/26/24
Google translates the Japanese title (I think? Wikipedia has it in katakana only) "熱血快打" as "Passionate Hit."
  paleface 22:14:58 07/26/24

As Ryu Saeba
0:00 - start
1:25 - Ryu
13:37 - Hulkster
35:39 - how do I not get clonked
36:02 - working elevator panel
1:00:03 - ending & credits
1:01:10 - punch/kick combo practice
Since I last played this like six years ago I hadn't known how to use the Kick button effectively; on its own, with Ryu at least, it unpredictably does a standing high kick OR an awkward short high kick with different timing, and the switch-off between those throws me off. BUT. At the very end of this play-through, vs the final boss, because he was blocking nearly 100% of my jump-kicks, which is what I'd figured out how to use in the later stages to turn a punch combo into a knock-down so the big jerks wouldn't get me with their counter-attack, I was flailing around and finally tried the Kick button again and it saved me! 'Cause you hit with some punches, then when that punch combo would normally end, you switch to Kick, then you can start again with more punches--and keep alternating like that for big ol' combos even on the boss types! YeAH!
So dang, this game is actually pretty sweet. I'd already been liking its tactile feel, different than both Double Dragon (whose awkward (P)(J)(K) button layout it imitates) and Final Fight (from which it steals numerous scenes), and add this combo mechanic on top of that--jeepers! I think this just vaulted into the small crowd of my favorite beat-em-ups! If only it wasn't stuck on console! : PPP
Oh! I was complaining about the NEOGEO beat-em-ups not having got like PS2 and PS3-era ports, but Burning Fight WAS included in SNK Arcade Classics Volume 1 for PS2--the problem was that the emulation on that collection was terrible and the games ran really slow, so I returned it right after I bought and tried it back in the day. But it LOOKS like it runs fine in PCSX2?? HM. Guess I'm gonna have to track down a copy then.
  paleface 17:20:32 07/27/24
spinnylights pointed out that 熱血快打 is the Chinese name--and indeed when left to detect the language, Google Translate says it's traditional Chinese, and translates it as "Hot Blooded Kombat"--complete with K! = o But that's more like "Burning Fight" than "Passionate Hit" which is how it renders those same characters from Japanese.
  paleface 17:39:35 07/27/24
Download added: 01_ng_copo.png (104511 bytes)
  "Not what their Esaka HQ looked like I don't think"
There's a "NEOGEO COPO" building you walk by at one point but it doesn't look much like their old Esaka (in Osaka) HQ ( ).
I'm told by Rudie that other locations look like Osaka landmarks .
Apparently if the hobos grab you they hold you in a suspiciously animated way. Wikipedia dedicated an awkward final paragraph to this. : P
· SNK Arcade Classics vol. 1 (PS2)

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