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Resident Evil: Revelations 2
  opened by paleface at 13:21:25 07/26/24  
  last modified by paleface at 13:33:54 07/26/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Shooter_3D; reg=UC]
I played a lot of this for a while. A 2016 video & notes:

Playing as the white "Lottie" teddy bear skin for the unlockable character "Cipher" in Resident Evil: Revelations 2's "Raid Mode"--leveling up his "Samurai Sword" ability (replaces the regular knife with a katana! : o) enough to "Inherit" it to another playable character, Albert Wesker. : )
  paleface 13:33:54 07/26/24
Another 2016 video & notes:

Playing Resident Evil: Revelations 2's "Raid Mode" as Moira in a melee building using the "Samurai Sword" ability; here I'm just going after the last medallions I hadn't got with any character yet; had to switch to reliable old gun-toting Barry to clear that one darn Code Red mission with no respawning and all the enemies exploding on death. : P
But still, I finally got all the medallions and...that doesn't unlock anything, I guess. : P Oh well, I feel happy about it--enough to uninstall RE:R2 and give it a rest, for a while at least. I had originally planned to clear all the Code Red missions with katana Moira, but the lack of damage scaling with the Samurai Sword ability was making that a real pain, so whatever. ; P

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