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Street Fighter V
  opened by paleface at 13:27:39 07/26/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Fighting; reg=UC]
2016 videos & notes:

Mashing my way through Street Fighter V's "Cinematic Story Mode," skipping pretty much all the extremely numerous cutscenes.
This is on the default difficulty; was thinking I'd also do it on the harder difficulty that unlocks after you beat this first one, but I got pwn3d by the AI : D : P

Going through DLC characters Ibuki and Balrog's character story, move summary (or whatever it's called : P), and Easy Survival modes ('cause I'm too scrubbish to do it on Normal! : D). I've never really gotten the hang of charge characters, but Balrog *is* pretty fun, and I like Ibuki's speed and uppercut kick move.

Playing new DLC character Juri's Story, move description (or whatever it's called), and (Easy : p) Survival modes in Street Fighter V, as well as some Vs CPU in Training mode. I switch between her default costume and her "Battle" costume; so far I think color 3 (unlocked in Easy Survival) of her default costume is my favorite outfit for her--visible at 57:22, for instance. She may be the most fun I've had with a character in SFV yet; her inputs are generally fairly shoto-like, so I guess that explains why they feel about as intuitive to me as Ryu's; they feel like they come naturally, unlike a lot of the other characters in the game, for me. But she also feels faster than Ryu, and her combos feel a more free-flowing. Lots of fun to mess around with!

Trying twice and failing twice to beat the Normal difficulty Survival mode in Street Fighter V with Juri on the PS4. : P This reminded me why I hate SFV's Survival mode! You're going along just fine and then all of a sudden a much more difficult opponent shows up, dang. Well, the first attempt was just me being too slack about keeping my health up. Anyway, it's all a shambles, and my Juri is limited even more than my ability with other characters by my refusal to bother with her stocks. : P I like her movement and normal moves but obviously those are only gonna get me so far. ; ) I don't think I'll be trying Survival with her again : o

Taking new DLC character Urien on a spin through his Demonstration, Story, and Survival (on Easy : P) modes. I used his Battle Costume in Survival; with any costume of his, you can hold the old Street Fighter III extra color code button combination of LP, MK, HP as the match intros start to have him bust out of his costume and play the fight wearing nothing but his classic SFIII thong. Oh, that tan! I remember having fun with him in SFIII but I wasn't any good with him at all, and in SFV I thought that would add up to me not having fun with him, but darned if he isn't a hoot to play here: he's got great long ropey normal attacks that are at least as good as anyone else's, plus he looks really bad-ass doing them. He isn't normally very combo-centric, which to my combo-hating scrub self is a cool thing--but those who like them will probably find they can do some crazy juggles with his fireballs and "Aegis Reflector" V Trigger. Me, I'm just happy punching people while wearing a thong, and doing it all like a really crazy boss. Also his character colors are almost all really ace!

Street Fighter V on a PS4. After a brief stop at Bustling Side Street to complete a weekly mission for that sweet, sweet fight money, I play a bunch of vs CPU mode, as Urien, Balrog, Juri, Ryu, and my particularly horrible Zangief vs CPU Alex and Balrog, mostly on Kanzuki Beach and then the daytime Kanzuki Estate, eventually learning to color-coordinate the fighters' outfits with each other and the environment. = P

Just showing off the seven "hats" that can end up on your head when your character gets kicked off the side of certain stages in Street Fighter V, as modeled by that svelte ex-Soviet cyclone, Zangief!
The hats are:
0:00 - Hillside Plaza, left side: samba queen headdress
0:48 - Hillside Plaza, right side: bananas
1:36 - Underground Arena, left side: Russian doll
2:24 - Bustling Side Street, left side #2: noodles
3:16 - Union Station, right side: bearskin hat
4:08 - Kanzuki Estate (night), left side: samurai helmet
5:04 - City in Chaos, left side: hot dog sign

Playing Akuma's Demonstration, Story, and Easy Survival modes for that sweet, sweet Fight Money in Street Fighter V on PS4. Akuma is fun! So many special moves! Such low health! : o I missed both my Raging Demon attempts with him in Story mode, which was pretty sad. ;_;
And then at 22:53 I put myself in the holiday mood by beating on guys in Vs CPU mode with Zangief and his new Santa costume on the new holiday version of City in Chaos, "Frosty Boulevard." ^_^ Give the Red Tornado holiday spirit and he's just too strong! : D

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