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The King of Fighters XIV
  opened by paleface at 13:39:55 07/26/24  
  last modified by paleface at 13:40:24 07/26/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Fighting; reg=UC]
I played to all the endings in this and was having fun with the cheesy story; eventually got tired of the bad animation.
A couple sample videos from 2016, and the last video, from 2017:

Playing through the Story mode of The King of Fighters XIV with the "South Town Team," made up of old Fatal Fury boss Geese Howard, the ever obnoxiously shrieking, stick wielding Billy Kane, and new character Hein, Geese's bodyguard/chauffeur. Geese, starting as a boss, had really overpowered moves that were really hard to do; now that he's more of just another character, his moves do normal damage, and are much easier to do; this is pretty much the most playable Geese I can remember. I still don't do that well with him if I try to use his special moves individually, but I found that, in this game at least, if I just think of him as more or less a heavy puncher, I can do okay that way, and he's got some pretty satisfying little punching combinations. Billy I have always hated, and I still hate him here--maybe the 3D transition has smoothed a little of the rough edges from his old low-res sprite, but still, it's Billy. I did find that long stick of his rather useful in saving the say with its poking, though. I was excited to try Hein but I can't say I achieved much of an understanding of how to use him; his moves didn't really connect for me, and he wasn't quite the fast slickster I thought he'd be based on his dapper appearance; plus, his weird gravity power thing feels a little out of place among the old street punk characters. I struggled a bit with this team. : P

Playing through Story mode in The King of Fighters XIV on PS4 with the first boss character, Antonov. The big blustery but kind-hearted and sentimenal Russian billionaire's personality doesn't come through quite as forcefully with his in-game model as it does in the cutscenes (playing through with him on your team--but *not* Verse) will also trigger his own ending scene), but he's got some appropriately big and muscley moves that are decent fun, even if overall--at least in my fairly inept hands--he feels a bit one-dimensional.

Playing the new DLC character Vanessa in KOF XIV's Survival mode on PS4, through two runs (I do a bit better on the second run : P), and then going into Practice mode to check out her other two costume colors.
  paleface 13:40:24 07/26/24
(^ Those notes are from 2016 and 2017, too.)

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