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Nuclear Throne
  opened by paleface at 13:50:43 07/26/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Shooter_4way; reg=UC]
A roguelike--maybe roguelite--4-way shooter with a cute sci-fi theme and over-the-top escalation of enemies. Was way into this for a bit BUT eventually figured the 30 fps hit/slash flash FX were a bit much; briefly considered getting and modding the animations in the PC version to remove the flashes. : PPP Was also wishing the devs, Vlambeer, would make a fantasy version. But they stopped working and eventually disbanded, kinda felt like this final huge success was too much for them.
Some of my later 2017 videos & notes:

I finally sat on the Nuclear Throne! : DD This (22:15) was with Steroids; I think one thing that really helped was getting to the "pizza sewers" level by blowing open the manhole in the 2-1 sewers level (3:58), because that easy extra level makes the next and all subsequent regular levels drop weapons of one extra level of strength! (The enemies are a bit tougher too, mind you!)
And after you sit on the throne for the first time and watch the credits roll, there's a little cinematic scene (27:08) with Rogue, a new character that unlocks.

Trying to loop the game for the first time, got a couple of the Throne's generators but kinda forgot to dodge--distracted by ammo problems. : P
Tried some different approaches to weapon and mutation choices with an eye toward being able to unload a lot of firepower in the later stages, rather than trying to creep along with a melee weapon. Somewhat predictably, perhaps, I didn't get all the weapon and mutation combos I would have loved, and ammo levels became a problem. Maybe made a few questionable choices along the way too. ; )
The Wave Gun was fun, though! Just a huge tidal wave of a shotgun blast.
And I made it into the pizza sewers thanks to a bazooka I found at the last minute. : D (2:34)

My new plan of shifting more to dual guns with Steroids rather than a melee/gun tandem in later levels seems to be working out as I get the hang of it; got to the Nuclear Throne with some pretty good firepower, thought I'd wake the throne up and uh, well, those little steps rise more than you would think, I guess. (Also got my guns mixed up, still not quite adept at the dual wield. ;_;
So don't do that once you reach the throne! : o

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