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Descent from Arkov's tower - prologue
  opened by paleface at 18:31:48 10/01/24  
  last modified by paleface at 18:32:26 10/01/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Roguelike; reg=PAL]

Steam demo of an upcoming pixel art roguelike by German indie dev (Saturn91).
The UI has some rough spots and I'm not so sure about the overall difficulty--doesn't seem like the armor-eschewing rogue is going to be able to last long against those javelin-flinging goblins! = oo Are you just supposed to grind $ to unlock more powerful classes? Hrm.
Love the music and pixel art, and the simplicity of the gamepad control (aside from the aforementioned UI sticking points here and there, like losing control focus when returning to the main menu, or having to activate Steam Input and set the d-pad to emulate the left analog stick in order to be able to play using the d-pad; I've put some feedback on that stuff in this thread: ).
· 00_rogue.png

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