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Coreupt Demo
  opened by paleface at 02:33:11 10/03/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Fighting; reg=UC]
From Steam, 2D fighter w/ 3D graphics, sort've a Mortal Kombat style thing maybe, not in terms of gore (didn't see any) but it's got dark sci-fi graphics and 4-direction inputs with lots of launching and bouncing and meaty thwacks with exaggerated hitstun.
Runs with extremely thick AA and some motion blur stuff. Had stutters/jerks on some throw moves and stuff with the camera doing dramatic moves; not sure if they were performance-related (didn't check the min spec, probably pretty high I dunno) or just game-in-progress things.
Currently only Vs local/online, and training, no Vs CPU (unless there's limited Vs CPU in training, didn't check that 'cause I wasn't really enjoying the combat style anyway).
The stages and fighters look pretty nice, if blurry.

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