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Arcade Archives Warrior Blade
  opened by paleface at 14:36:16 12/21/24  
  last modified by paleface at 14:38:14 12/21/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Beat_em_up; reg=UC]

Didn't know about the "Joystick Power" (waggle stick back and forth--or map via special hotkey in options) move before in my PS2 Taito Memories playthroughs, I don't think!
And I could swear I didn't see Rastan's flying knee and kidney punch animations in the PS2 version...but I'm probably just forgetting or didn't notice so much. The sound here definitely seems sharper, compared to my memories (warning: my memory is definitely flaky! ; D) of the PS2 version. Graphically, it's actually pretty much the same as the PS2 version (see entry 1163) played in PCSX2. This PS4 version probably has slightly less input delay. The game intentionally makes it so you can't move for what feels like a significant fraction of a second after attacking, though, which definitely makes the game feel kinda stiff.
I'd forgotten that you have to kick Mahadidekaradi to get him to use his ice spell on the enemies, otherwise he just stands there falling asleep on his staff--but whaddaya want, he's like 2500-plus years old or something, according to his bio! I don't think the demo mode showed him breaking Rastan out of jail or whatever this time through... He's kinda like the imps in Golden Axe that you have to kick potions out of : P (I think in the playthrough I said he was like the opposite of them, but it's not really the opposite, is it 'p').
It's a good conversion! Of a game with lovely graphics and kinda bland gameplay. ^ _^ Decent game though, decent game.
· Taito Memories II: Gekan (PS2)

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