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posted by exodus (userid: 99.73.XLP942) on december 10, 2015 at 17:30:00 est in reply to how graphically do you talk about sex with your male friends? i feel like between men the conversation never really goes further than "we fucked" because we're all weirdly uncomfortable with our own and other men's sexuality in "public." like if you hear about the things another man did with his dick you'll catch gay (this interpretation is reductive.) so sometimes i want to talk about sex, but i don't want to introduce it to the conversation among men in case it makes the other man/men uncomfortable? or in case it gets discussed in a gross sexist way! being a man is weird (n/t) from aerisdead.
not at all, because thinking about sex is pretty gross for me in any capacity if i consider it for more than a few seconds. that said, because i find it all pretty gross, i am not *more* grossed out when someone wants to talk about specific things. well, that's not totally true, because once a friend friend was telling me about how much she enjoyed getting dominated by this bro that had been sending her dick picks, but that's a different kind of grossed out. also i feel like bros talk about specific sex stuff kind of a lot. so like, i don't want to talk about sex myself, but if someone else does it doesn't bother or upset me.


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