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posted by aerisdead (userid: 24.212.eG9s3M) on december 10, 2015 at 19:04:56 est in reply to i would say it's mostly a question of respecting my wife's privacy? i'm not uncomfortable talking, or hearing about a friend's sex life (man or woman), but when i've been with the same person for a decade and a half, it's pretty obvious who i'm talking about, and given that my friends know tara makes it feel weird to implicitly divulge stuff about what she's into to people she's maybe no entirely comfortable sharing it with. (n/t) from popasmear.
interesting point. i do agree that you're essentially talking about something shared with someone else without their input, and it made me think about confidants... in some respect sharing information about your sexy partner is a bit like sharing nude pix of them (on a sliding scale) which i think is so disgusting (and thankfully, increasingly illegal). but in other ways, i feel like lack of openness about sex is so problematic. i think my question is maybe more like "are you confident to talk about sex things that happen, and receive advice/support* from peers" if you felt it was important to do that. i don't think i have been, and i was wondering if that was unusual, i wanted to know that when i made (recently) a blanket statement that men are largely uncomfortable talking about sex in a real way if i was totally off-base.
*and sometimes support is just hearing a person, or laughing at a funny story or whatever, i think? i felt like clarifying that.


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