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posted by twelvestep (userid: 70.167.Od5lHE) on december 11, 2015 at 21:47:41 est in reply to i talk about sex and sexuality quite a bit but it's rarely ever super specific. if someone asks what i'm into i'm pretty comfortable with divulging it in a sort of generic way, for instance "i've always been into..." instead of "vani and i..." because then i feel like i'm breaking into something personal between us as opposed to just stating my general preferences. lately i've become a bit more open about talking about more specific things. i have two very close friends i've known for a long time and they have a somewhat open relationship/swing. not like they are out at the clubs every night picking people up but it is something they do together from time to time. it's real easy to sit around while we're hanging out with them and discuss some of that stuff. it's rarely very graphic and generally focuses on the more humorous mishaps that can happen but because they are very open and comfortable it becomes easier for us. that's really the only outlet where things get discussed in any sort of real detail. (n/t) from twelvest.
i don't think it's accidentally implied but i wrote that hastily so just in case: i don't swing. seems like a whole bag of mindfuck i dont need.


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