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posted by comic-kaze (userid: 72.29.15sS.gDdxic7I) on february 16, 2016 at 16:31:11 est in reply to how graphically do you talk about sex with your male friends? i feel like between men the conversation never really goes further than "we fucked" because we're all weirdly uncomfortable with our own and other men's sexuality in "public." like if you hear about the things another man did with his dick you'll catch gay (this interpretation is reductive.) so sometimes i want to talk about sex, but i don't want to introduce it to the conversation among men in case it makes the other man/men uncomfortable? or in case it gets discussed in a gross sexist way! being a man is weird (n/t) from aerisdead.
you know the first time i was on this forum, i hadn't even been with a girl before. it's like i grew up in this place. i don't talk to my male friends about it except for one married childhood buddy who sometimes complained to me about how marriage was not what it was cracked up to be and he didn't "get enough". he's now getting it on a regular basis as they are trying for their first kid. i will talk graphically about it to female friends however, it seems more natural and they laugh along with me and there's always the hint of sexual tension which is fun.


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