404? haha! your soul now belongs to us.
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posted by kazuki on april 02, 2020 at 23:56:53 est in reply to i have no idea how any american is going to make it through this, aside from the folks who had digital jobs. it's going to be incredibly terrible. hope you do okay out there :\ (n/t) from exodus.
thanks, exodus. i will survive. i must be part cockroach. the problem is the relief packages were too late. same with containment from transmission from abroad. i've survived my business bankruptcy a few years back due to divorce. i have a lot of debt now. but i know what to do. i just pulled out of two leases and my next lease ends in a month. i pretty much have no choice. i made like 40 dollars in sales since the 20th of last month. every week a brick and mortar shop of mine was closed. my last one was closed yesterday by state decree. now i have to remove all my inventory fast. i'll just switch to online sales. my problem with this is the damage is already done. not even sure what to make of the new stimulus package. i read that crap at the sba and i'm not hiring anyone to translate that to me. not sure what to make of the future of the economy but it seems fubar.


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