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posted by kazuki on april 19, 2020 at 18:27:29 est in reply to the relief packages are also piddlingly small. in singapore they're paying 75% of all employee's wages for 3 months. what kind of shop were you running? and what are you supposed to do about rent for your shops, i saw that there was something about how businesses could borrow from banks, but that doesn't help at all, that just makes the problem worse later. (n/t) from exodus.
i was renting several spaces in antique stores in small towns. selling old books, antiques, and vintage military surplus. luckily two were month to month. the other one is charging me rent and i still have next months rent to pay. pretty much missed the busy season. sales are always slow during the summer. i'm just putting everything in my garage and i'm selling the stuff i can ship online. i'm not going to borrow anything. i won't get a relief payment either. guessing it was or will be given to my ex-wife. just worried about the long term what the shut down will do. there's a lot of unemployed people now. guess we'll find out what happens.


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