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posted by jeurja on june 28, 2023 at 16:56:18 est in reply to yeah that small subset of loud people are real dumb!! glad you're doing it, but it won't be fun wading through all the people screaming pedophile because they have no idea what they're talking about. my life is stressful and i want to stop working forever!!! ha ha. (n/t) from exodus.
i'm sorry things are stressful. not working is great. i quit a job in 2021 due to a toxic work environment and didn't work for 3 months. other than worrying about paying bills, it was wonderful. i would take my kids to school, go on a hike, come home and do chores, pick up my kids from school, have dinner with family, and have some downtime before repeating it again the next day. i was pretty relaxed!


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