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Posted by
on April 12, 2017 at 13:28:36 EST.
genki video games has a NGP wireless communication unit in stock. Basically worthless now other than as a curio, but I thought we all might like to look at it!
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I don't think it's any more useless now than it was originally.
(20:15:05 04/12/17 EST)
(15:17:31 04/13/17 EST)
I saw one of these in the ol' nihon, I couldn't remember what it does and didn't look it up. Still don't, still haven't.
(00:01:57 04/13/17 EST)
I guess that's more or less how I feel about it too! I assumed it just allowed wireless versus play, but maybe it does another thing.
(15:17:22 04/13/17 EST)
Google says you can use two of 'em to battle another player wirelessly in Dive Alert, and that in CFC2 you can play 2-player with two wireless units, or use just one for the "Dousing" feature that generates new cards to trade for based on--supposedly--the ambient radio waves the unit picks up.
(22:00:55 04/13/17 EST)
And also there was an e-mail game (I wanted to type "messaging app" ugh) unless I'm wrongly assuming something about that one. Kind of hard to imagine link cable messaging. But only slightly less plausible than using a bass finder to send messages. My biggest curiosity is what you're supposed to do with the jig on the end of the cable. Run it up your sleeve into a breast pocket? Dangle it behind your bike to trawl for signals?
(substance J)
(10:19:06 04/14/17 EST)
yeah, that thing is weird! why not just have a connected antenna like a TV tuner (which it sure looks like).
(11:29:03 04/14/17 EST)
To avoid it breaking in the first two minutes of ownership, I assume, or to save eyes. Soft antennae like this are standard in RC cars. They also used to use it on portable radios. That TV watch Seiko made in the 80s had one too, I think.
(18:29:13 04/16/17 EST)
I did not know that! I mean with RC cars it's usually a bendy wire, right? or are my memories of this 30 years old?
(10:57:58 04/18/17 EST)
I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same thing. It's just a wire. On RC cars you'd have it slid through a plastic tube so it would stand up. On the portable TVs the idea was that you'd run it up your sleeve and wear it all day like a really cool guy.
(14:28:17 04/18/17 EST)
I guess that *is* pretty cool. this line looks a lot floppier though, like a headphone chord!
(14:40:15 04/18/17 EST)
So are all the ones I'm thinking of. It's that way so you can put it anywhere. I agree it's not normal for a device like this but I guess they had a total nerd head that project.
(19:25:44 04/19/17 EST)
I remember having one of these back in the day. I only used it for one thing: dowsing for cards in SvC: CFC2. Good times.
(19:06:16 04/20/17 EST)
how did that work, exactly? did you have to move around, or just wait for stuff to happen?
(05:14:27 05/26/17 EST)
No, it pretty much just pulled cards out of thin air. As far as I could tell location had no real effect on rewards. I almost universally got junk.
(12:40:10 06/01/17 EST)
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