| | Australian dev Hipster Whale's mobile endless runner where you grind through forced-scrolling random-ish maze for coins to power-up weapons to auto-kill ghosts so you can grind for more coins until a segment generates with too many ghosts and too few weapons and you die and compulsively restart and many hours later finish powering up the strongest weapons and realize there's no longer any reason to play. Yeah you could cruise for points for a higher score but it's really boring. The ghosts and fruit are a little shinier in this stand-alone version than in the version included in Pac-Man Museum+ on PS4. |
| | 2016 videos & notes:
Had played some co-op, now trying out the single-player mode in Pac-Man 256 on PS4. Messed around with some of the different graphic modes, but I think I like the classic '80s look the best. : D
More single-player in Pac-Man 256 on PS4, managed to get my current 1P high score of just over 10,000 points, finally finished that pesky Bomb ghost kill bonus goal too! Fire and Laser powerups are great, not so hot on the Bomb powerup though. : P
Grinding dots to get the last of the powerups in Pac-Man 256 on PS4! Getting the better powerups (and leveling them up) really helped, since along the way I happened to raise my high score from like 15K or something to 45K : o. Current fave powerups are Boom, Cherries (total fave! : D) and mayyyyybe Lightning--although I really wish there was another one that ended with clearing a nice space around Pac-Man, like Boom and Cherries do. Maybe Sonar? |
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