# sys genre reg title 1. 1477 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Archives Dig Dug 2. 1685 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Archives Dig Dug II 3. 1790 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Archives Hopping Mappy 4. 1496 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Archives Pac-Man 5. 1859 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Archives Rug Rats 6. 1510 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Archives Shanghai III 7. 1476 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug 8. 1495 PC Puzzle UC Arcade Game Series: Dig Dug 9. 1336 PS4 Puzzle UC Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man 10. 1497 PC Puzzle UC Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man 11. 1498 PC Puzzle UC Arcade Game Series: Pac-Man 12. 748 PCB Puzzle UC Arkanoid 13. 10 PS1 Puzzle J Arkanoid 2000 14. 1229 DS Puzzle UC Arkanoid DS 15. 1706 PC Puzzle UC Arkanoid: Eternal Battle 16. 11 PS1 Puzzle J Arthur to Astaroth: Nazo-Makai-Mura - Incredible Toons 17. 1231 SS Puzzle UC Baku Baku 18. 598 PCE Puzzle J Be Ball 19. 1130 GBA Puzzle J bit Generations: Coloris 20. 1131 GBA Puzzle J bit Generations: Dialhex 21. 20 PS1 Puzzle J Block Kuzushi 2 22. 498 PS2 Puzzle UC Bombastic 23. 810 DC Puzzle J Bomber hehhe! 24. 571 PCCD Puzzle UC Bomber Man 25. 618 PCE Puzzle J Bomber Man '94 26. 811 DC Puzzle UC Bomberman Online 27. 488 PCCD Puzzle J builderland: The Story of Melba 28. 755 DC Puzzle UC Bust-A-Move 4 29. 1112 SNES Puzzle UC Cacoma Knight 30. 34 PS1 Puzzle J Calcolo! 31. 815 DC Puzzle UC ChuChu Rocket 32. 848 DS Puzzle J Cool 104 Joker & Setline 33. 1039 DC Puzzle UC Cool Herders 34. 1298 PS3 Puzzle UC Critter Crunch 35. 1519 PS3 Puzzle UC Cubixx HD 36. 1578 PCB Puzzle UC Dig Dug 37. 1791 NES Puzzle J Dig Dug 38. 998 DS Puzzle UC Dig Dug: Digging Strike 39. 1684 NES Puzzle J Dig Dug II 40. 1501 PC Puzzle PAL Dig Dug Revival 41. 1120 NES Puzzle UC Dr. Mario 42. 563 PCE Puzzle J Drop Rock Hora Hora 43. 1788 PS4 Puzzle UC Duggy 44. 1022 PSP Puzzle UC Exit 45. 360 PS2 Puzzle UC Fantavision 46. 79 PS1 Puzzle J Finger Flashing 47. 1525 NES Puzzle UC From Below 48. 463 PCB Puzzle UC Ghost Lop 49. 1521 PC Puzzle UC Give Up the Ghost: a puzzle checklist 50. 1071 PCB Puzzle J Gunbarich 51. 118 PS1 Puzzle J Gussan Oyoyo 52. 120 DC Puzzle J Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 53. 1517 PS3 Puzzle UC Hungry Giraffe 54. 675 PS2 Puzzle UC Katamari Damacy 55. 147 GB Puzzle UC Kirby's Block Ball 56. 911 GB Puzzle UC Kirby's Star Stacker 57. 149 PS1 Puzzle J KulaQuest 58. 511 GBA Puzzle J Kururin Paradise 59. 1090 GC Puzzle J Kururin Squash! 60. 1499 PC Puzzle PAL Lady Pac 61. 653 GB Puzzle UC Lock n' Chase 62. 788 PSP Puzzle UC Lumines 63. 1011 PS1 Puzzle J Magical Drop F: Daibouken Mo Rakujyanai! 64. 962 SS Puzzle J Magical Drop III 65. 1007 PS1 Puzzle J Magical Drop III 66. 1274 PS3 Puzzle UC Magic Orbz 67. 1040 PSP Puzzle UC Me & My Katamari 68. 1700 NES Puzzle UC Mendel Palace 69. 503 PCCD Puzzle J Motteke Tamago 70. 1552 SNES Puzzle UC Mr. Do! 71. 388 DC Puzzle UC Mr. Driller 72. 729 PCB Puzzle UC Mr. Driller 73. 173 GBA Puzzle J Mr. Driller 2 74. 174 GBA Puzzle J Mr. Driller A 75. 175 GC Puzzle J Mr. Driller Drill Land 76. 1473 PS4 Puzzle UC Mr. Driller Drill Land 77. 1460 PS4 Puzzle UC Mr. Driller Drill Land Demo Vers. 78. 332 PS1 Puzzle J Mr. Driller G 79. 430 PCB Puzzle J Mr. Driller G 80. 801 SNES Puzzle UC Ms. Pac-Man 81. 1597 PCB Puzzle UC Ms. Pac-Man 82. 380 DC Puzzle UC Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness 83. 176 DC Puzzle J Musapey's Choco Marker 84. 177 PS1 Puzzle J Mushi no Idokoro 85. 1045 GC Puzzle UC Odama 86. 369 PCB Puzzle UC Pac-Gal 87. 336 NGPC Puzzle PAL Pac-Man 88. 1577 PCB Puzzle UC Pac-Man 89. 1797 NES Puzzle J Pac-Man 90. 1471 PS4 Puzzle UC Pac-Man 256 91. 1168 X360 Puzzle UC Pac-Man Championship Edition 92. 1469 PS3 Puzzle UC Pac-Man Championship Edition 93. 1798 NES Puzzle UC Pac-Man Championship Edition 94. 1802 PC Puzzle UC Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ demo 95. 1334 PS3 Puzzle UC Pac-Man Museum 96. 1472 PS4 Puzzle UC Pac-Man Museum+ 97. 644 GC Puzzle UC Pac-Man vs. 98. 1527 PC Puzzle J PAKU PAKU 99. 1271 X360 Puzzle UC Peggle 100. 1321 PS3 Puzzle UC Peggle 101. 1218 DS Puzzle UC Picross DS 102. 1146 GBA Puzzle UC Polarium Advance 103. 202 PS1 Puzzle J pop'n pop 104. 1002 PSP Puzzle UC PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient 105. 394 NGPC Puzzle UC Puyo Pop 106. 1084 DC Puzzle J Puyo Puyo Fever 107. 1083 PCB Puzzle J Puyo Puyo Sun 108. 1512 PS4 Puzzle UC Puyo Puyo Tetris 109. 756 NGPC Puzzle J Puzzle Bobble Mini 110. 935 PSP Puzzle J Puzzle Bobble Pocket 111. 398 NGPC Puzzle UC Puzzle Link 2 112. 1201 PSP Puzzle UC Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords 113. 1253 PS3 Puzzle UC Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords 114. 1279 PS3 Puzzle UC Puzzle Quest: Galactrix 115. 213 PS1 Puzzle J Puzzle Star Sweep 116. 1652 PC Puzzle J Raindrop 117. 1500 PC Puzzle PAL RandomPac 118. 396 NGPC Puzzle UC Shanghai Mini 119. 1841 PS1 Puzzle J Simple 1500 Series Vol.8: The Solitaire 120. 1047 PSP Puzzle J Simple 2500 Series Portable! Vol.5: The Block Kuzushi Quest 121. 1516 PC Puzzle UC Solitaire Forever II 122. 495 PCCD Puzzle UC Splash Lake 123. 1481 PS3 Puzzle UC StarDrone 124. 482 PCB Puzzle J Star Trigon 125. 1436 PC Puzzle UC Star Trigon 126. 1123 SNES Puzzle UC Super Bomberman 2 127. 386 PS1 Puzzle J SuperLite 1500 Series: Bomb Boat 128. 281 PS1 Puzzle J SuperLite 1500 Series: The Tetris 129. 464 PS2 Puzzle J SuperLite 2000 Series: ZOOO 130. 1946 DC Puzzle J Super Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service 131. 1129 SNES Puzzle J Sutte Hakkun 132. 334 GB Puzzle UC Tetris 133. 1429 PC Puzzle UC Tetris 134. 1593 NES Puzzle UC Tetris 135. 1263 SNES Puzzle UC Tetris 2 136. 1560 CP4 Puzzle UC Tetris 2K21 137. 799 SNES Puzzle UC Tetris & Dr. Mario 138. 1515 PS4 Puzzle UC Tetris Effect: Connected 139. 507 PCB Puzzle J Tinkle Pit 140. 610 PCCD Puzzle J Travel Epuru 141. 568 PCE Puzzle J Tricky 142. 1046 PSP Puzzle J Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket 143. 690 PS2 Puzzle UC Under the Skin 144. 1049 PCB Puzzle J Uo Poko 145. 672 PS2 Puzzle J Vib Ripple 146. 984 PS2 Puzzle UC We Love Katamari 147. 1522 PC Puzzle PAL The World's Biggest Pac-Man 148. 1125 SNES Puzzle J Wrecking Crew '98 149. 1203 PSP Puzzle J Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida 150. 1514 PC Puzzle UC The Zachtronics Solitaire Collection 151. 1105 SNES Puzzle J Zig Zag Cat 152. 767 DS Puzzle UC Zoo Keeper 153. 1874 PC Puzzle J Zoo Keeper 154. 368 GBA Puzzle J ZOOO
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