| | Pretty much the same set-up as Arcade Game Series: Ms. Pac-Man; kinda blurry at all but postage-stamp sizes, which is why I'm playing the Arcade Archives version on PS4 instead. But it comes in handy at times:
Aw I screwed up my first line when recording this and said "or is Rogue the first Pac-Man" instead of "first Pac-like." Sheesh! Anyway, just a silly idea I had about how these two games, both of which came out in 1980--Pac-Man in Japanese arcades in July, Rogue in probably California university computer labs at some unspecified point in the year--feature a round player character chasing or being chased by undead monsters around a maze laden with a pattern of dots and scattered powerups. And just to make the relationship more explicit, for the commercial version of Rogue in 1984, now with color graphics, they changed the "@" character symbol to a yellow smiley face "☺"--which obviously is just Pac-Man looking at us head-on, as if to say "Get it?" ^ _^ (Also, by 1984 Pac-Man had made tons of money, and at least one of the creators of Rogue still WANTED to make tons of money.) So... Is Pac-Man the first roguelike, or is Rogue the first Pac-like? : D I downloaded Rogue 3.6.1 (said to be the first widely released version, in 1981), DOS version, from The Rogue Archive: https://britzl.github.io/roguearchive/ |
| | The arcade rom can be extracted from this version and run in MAME. The extraction requires installing Windows Subsystem for Linux: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/basic-commands#install What I did: 1) Click Windows' Start button 2) type "cmd" 3) Under the "Command Prompt: App" entry in the Windows Start panel that appears, click "Run as administrator" 4) In the "Administrator: Command Prompt" window that appears, enter "wsl --install Debian" Then I followed the instructions here https://github.com/farmerbb/RED-Project/wiki/Arcade-Game-Series which I'm reproducing below, with a note from me in the middle about an update command that was omitted. Once WSL Debian is installed, you can browse to the install folder by entering "\\wsl$\Debian" in Windows Explorer's address bar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ROM Extraction Instructions These instructions are for a Debian-based Linux distro. For Windows, follow these instructions using WSL. Install any prerequisites required to run the extraction scripts: sudo apt update [Note: to get the updates actually installed, you then have to enter sudo apt upgrade The farmerbb/RED-Project instructions continue:] sudo apt install wget zip Download the Arcade Game Series extraction script: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/farmerbb/RED-Project/master/ROM%20Extraction/namco-ags-extract.sh chmod +x ./namco-ags-extract.sh Run the extraction script: ./namco-ags-extract.sh <path-to-dll-file> (where <path-to-dll-file> is the path to either Release_0.dll, Release_1.dll, or Release_3.dll, which can be found in the "Plugins" folder inside each Arcade Game Series data folder in your Steam installation. The extracted ROMs will be available in the same directory that you ran the script in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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