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Arcade Archives Rug Rats
  opened by paleface at 10:25:48 06/07/24  
  last modified by paleface at 13:40:58 06/07/24  
  paleface [sys=PS4; cat=Puzzle; reg=UC]

Playing the Japanese version Hi Score Mode of Arcade Archives Rug Rats on PS4!
This kind of Dig Dug clone (also kinda like the purposeful Dig Dug copy, Mr. Do!--all these games came out in Japan in 1982) has janky movement but it's sort of more open-ended than Dig Dug--or at least, it feels that way to my limited brain! And the music is jolly. ^ _^ And you get to roll germs up into carpets for big point combos! When there's just one left, they'll try to make a run for a carpet to hide under--or, if no carpets, a corner of the maze.
The Western version of the 1982 arcade game is called "Rug Rats" and it's way different than the Japanese version, which is called "Wiping"! I was playing Wiping because it's the default selection in Hi Score mode and had like 60 scores in it already vs about 20 for Rug Rats.
But also the two versions are really different! Rug Rats, which didn't come out until the following year, 1983, has hideously bright colors, and the collectible bonus items have mostly been redrawn to center around a money theme : PP, AND they're always visible, whereas in Wiping, they're only shown for a few seconds right before the level starts, then you gotta uncover them with your vacuum before you can collect them--and they'll DISAPPEAR for good if left uncovered for more than a few seconds! AND, in Rug Rats, if you collect all four items on the level, a crown appears in the middle of the screen for a huge (5000?) bonus, and collecting it also stuns all the enemies!
There are NO CROWNS in Wiping!
I like Wiping a lot more. = PPP I really kind of dig it, actually. The enemy movement is really evil! They'll wander back and forth in a fixed area at first, unless you clean into their path; but then at a hard-to-determine time they'll break that pattern and move in a zig-zag stair-step pattern toward you, right through the dirt! REALLY hard to evade. And then, if they end up on the opposite side of a wall of dirt from you, they won't just choose a direction and try going around that way, or go through the dirt at you (not usually); no, they'll simply mirror your movement exactly, so you can't get around them!! Pure evil! ; D
And of course like Dig Dug--hm and I suppose the grand-daddy, Pac-Man--they'll kick into turbo speed at a certain point; but here, REALLY turbo! Yow!
  paleface 10:52:23 06/07/24
Wiping: "ワイピング"

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