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Mr. Do!
  opened by paleface at 19:20:22 03/13/23  
  last modified by paleface at 18:09:57 09/10/24  
  paleface [sys=SNES; cat=Puzzle; reg=NA]
Cheats from GameFAQs:
At the Universal logo:
Up 9x: change name to Mr. Du
Left 9x: 99 lives
Down 9x: stage select (left/right at main menu)
  paleface 19:42:40 03/13/23

This game is psycho. Eat a dessert and get warped to the inverted dimension where a TV monster vomits more monsters from its face and turns into a giant apple that rolls over ledges and crushes your balding clown if you manage to disintegrate him/her with your bouncy power ball.
It kept inventing new ways to kill me / let me kill myself!
And I kept getting crushed under dead TV monster's giant apple because I just couldn't remember that would happen, it's too weird. ^ D^
The colors! Inverting! The angry static-strobing monster tunneling! The monstrous crushing slowdown apples eating! The cherry gulping siren songing! The numbers-as-tunnels 99 levels-ing!
Man. I loved the C64 version back in the day but this...this is nigh overwhelming. Holy Du-Star!
  paleface 20:34:46 03/13/23
Stage 1's tunnel is a "D" rather than a "1."
Ah, "Mr. Du" is a bootleg version: Interesting that they gave it a shout-out in the SNES version via cheat code! = oo
There's also "Mr. Lo":
Those two bootleg boards appear to be otherwise identical to the original. Then there are the hacks, with altered gameplay: Mr. DigDo, Mr. Jong, and Yankee Do ( )

And that mention in the Wikipedia article, of "the original Japanese version of the game, in which he [(Mr. Do)] is a snowman"--was perhaps most likely a prototype version, with different gameplay and music:
"There is an alternate, earlier version of Mr. Do! where the protagonist is a Yukidaruma (Japanese snowman) instead of a clown. While referred to as a "prototype" in MAME, other sources claim it was properly released in Japan, making its exact release status a mystery.
In the Clown version, eating the treat in the center of the screen will cause a bunch of Munchers to rush in from the top, freezing all enemies on-screen. In the Yukidaruma version, the Munchers never appear, and the enemies only freeze for a few seconds. The Yukidaruma version has no data for the Munchers in its coding; their graphics replaced the Yukidaruma's death animation and a few blank tiles."
  paleface 17:42:15 04/05/23

I'm still terrible at Mr. Do! but started to get a little farther at least. Gotta be ruthless! At level 4 the regular enemies seem to get turbo boosted. = o Man this game is crazy, it looks so cute and simple but there's actually so much to it it's mind-bamboozling! ^_ ^
I should really try to wait until the letter I want is highlighted before snagging the dessert~~but they look so tasty! Later on it seems pretty much suicidal to get the dessert--thereby summoning the boogie monsters from the letter monsters' face = ooo--if you aren't in a position where you'll be able to get a clear shot at the letter monster.
Diamonds sometimes fall out of apples! Whoa! They give an extra credit, which well doesn't really mean much in a console game. They're worth 8000 points!
The regular monsters can shove apples! = o
Getting EXTRA is freaky because your input freezes but the game keeps going for a bit, so you can apparently die--but then you find yourself in the congratulations scene, without actually having lost a life! = oo
  paleface 11:35:56 11/03/23
Monster movement appears to be at least semi-random. : )
  paleface 16:20:07 05/21/24
Ares I think just recently added a ton of shaders. Ones I like for Mr. Do! are misc--retro-palettes and vhs--VHSPro.
  paleface 12:45:19 07/07/24
In Ares, Mr. Do looks better with "Settings - Output - Aspect Correction" unchecked; with it checked, his power ball isn't round, etc.
  paleface 10:30:11 08/06/24
Color flash, crushed in caves--something is keeping me from going back to Do.
  paleface 11:56:11 09/01/24
Infinite Lives cheat by Unknown on : 0299AB:B5.
  paleface 18:09:57 09/10/24

Tried to get to the end of Mr. Do! for SNES with two different cheaty methods in the emulator Mesen and the joke was on me!
Is Mr. Do a clown, or just a guy in his PJs? Is there even a difference??
Oh wait, he's definitely got clown face paint on in the special stage end scenes, like after Scene 99. So yeah, clown.
(Used Mesen instead of Ares 'cause Ares isn't letting me task-switch when in full-screen now, hm. : P)
I don't really get Mr. Do!'s warp-world mechanic and eh the movement thing where you slide back if you try turning mid-block sometimes and the way the regular baddies don't pounce on you from behind but only while you're digging. What a strange bunch of stuff. And it's the same 10 stages over and over although I think they just get harder after the first loop (faster monsters or something) and then stay about that hard-ish.
Oh so I got the 22 levels idea from the FAQ on GameFAQs (arcade version) that lists the treats, and those change up to level 22, at which point you get the cocktail. But the stages keep going. ; D

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