| | Got ROM from Humble Bundle NEOGEO Collection yonks ago. B/C buttons go up/down hook/slice options. Super loungey music! |
| | For setting Unibios you hold ABC buttons when first launch ROM; for "soft dip" etc settings you hold BCD. |
| | Doesn't look like you can get it individually but the bundle is still https://www.humblebundle.com/store/neogeo-classic-complete-collection It's also in smaller pack 2 https://www.humblebundle.com/store/neogeo-classics-pack-2 but you may also need the neogeo.zip system ROM from Twinkle Star Sprites in pack 4 https://www.humblebundle.com/store/neogeo-classics-pack-4 , not sure (I got both in the full collection). --Which is to say, what I found from the full collection was that the neogeo.zip BIOS that came with the included emulated Twinkle Star Sprites was the only one that could run all the games in MAME; the other games came with other neogeo.zips but those didn't seem to work in MAME. --You can also use the Unibios 4.0 from http://unibios.free.fr/ , which has some handy features--you still need the regular BIOS too, though. |
| | First game by Nazca, a group of Irem employees. Their second game would be Metal Slug; after that, they were acquired by SNK. Since I'm playing both on PC anyway, this does make the NGPC version of it obsolete; in particular after the voice clips and smooth music of this NEOGEO version, the NGPC version feels so silent. But I also felt like, not SUPER into playing this game. It's mellow and all, but pretty unforgiving; you feel good when you make a good tough shot, but that's intermittent enjoyment. |
| | This seems to be the most attractive and easiest-to-control 2D golf game I can find, so if there's one I can play, it's probably this one. Just gotta be more chilled out about whether or not I "beat" a course; you can always continue, and it'll just send you to some other hole or whatever! And you just have fun making your shots, however many that takes. ;^D |
| | I can't seem to make myself play this, maybe I just have a lurking dread of missing shots. |
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