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Milli-Pede: Kyodai Konchuu no Gyakushuu
  opened by paleface at 14:01:11 09/22/24  
  last modified by paleface at 17:05:51 09/22/24  
  paleface [sys=NES; cat=Shooter_Vert; reg=J]
ミリピード 巨大昆虫の逆襲
Google Translate: "Millipede: Counterattack of the Giant Insects"
Part of a 1983 Atari / Nintendo deal for Atari to distribute the Famicom in the US (,_HAL_Laboratory) ); the full deal fell through but not before Hal Laboratory--of Kirby fame--had ported Atari's arcade games Millipede, Stargate (aka Defender II), Joust, and "an unknown title that was never released" to the Famicom.
This game also came to the NES five years later as "Millipede: Super Arcade Hit!"; I got this version because the US version's graphics were revised into super-elaborate, less arcade-like versions of themselves--same deal with Joust; also the flapping never felt right in Hal's Joust.
But this Millipede feels way better on a pad than the blurry, trackball emulating version in Atari 50--see entry 1870; it's got to be way easier--it gives you extra ships like crazy--but especially in the faster GAME B mode, Hal came up with a great fast-paced constant action game with constant new threats zipping in at you from all directions, and great sound FX. Slowdown abounds, and the colors aren't quite as saturated and splendid as the arcade version, but it's great fun to play with never a dull moment, and highly addictive: going in expecting to grind out 15 minutes or so of play, I had to pry myself off it after an hour to stop having an umpteenth "just one more go."
  paleface 17:05:51 09/22/24
Oops should be "HAL Laboratory."

My notes say the game has 30 stages--that's what I read somewhere, anyway.
· Atari 50 (PC)

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