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Dark Souls III
  opened by paleface at 19:52:40 02/05/25  
  last modified by paleface at 22:22:03 02/17/25  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Adventure; reg=UC]
Starting Dark Souls III from Steam, on PC! Blood is Off.

0:33 - settings
4:32 - intro movie
7:46 - character creation
54:10 - eyebrow freeze!
54:51 - Cemetery of Ash (tutorial)
1:17:59 - Ravenous Crystal Lizard
1:45:29 - Iudex Gundyr
2:16:10 - Sword Master
2:45:16 - oh
2:49:38 - Firelink Shrine
Kept choking against Sword Master ; D--but I could SWEAR he gets more brutal with blocks, parries, and 1-shot counter-attack kills as his health drops. ; )))
The game is stunning so far and I'm so glad I skipped out of Ds2 to start this instead! = D Miyazaki is back, baby!
I wish he hadn't kept one of the added stats from Ds2 but ah well. 'p'
I think I'm gonna try setting the attack charge up button (LT/L2) as a toggle via a Steam Input Action Set Layer, like I did with the bow free aim button (LB/L1) in Ds2. Gotta see what the Uchigatana's charge-up "skill" is; the Longsword's was really effective against Sword Master.
The fextralife wiki says your rolling won't be impaired as long as your Equipment Load is below 30%.
At least the starting/naked gear in this game looks reasonably decent. ^ _^ ANd I love this shiny black skin tone. : D
It hasn't run completely smoothly--there are very occasional momentary hitches when moving through areas--I don't think I had this in the ~1.75 hrs I played of Elden Ring--and the character image just froze as I was selecting eyebrows near the end of face adjustment; couldn't see changes I was making to the character anymore so I just had to go with what I had and move ahead to the tutorial. : P
  paleface 20:52:59 02/06/25

Changing L2/LT to be a toggle button--so I don't have to hold the button down to keep a charge attack ready--by means of a Steam Input Action Set Layer, for Dark Souls III from Steam, on PC! Blood is Off.
2:13 - Steam Input
10:00 - testing
11:43 - possible alternate button presses
14:50 - Steam Input set-up summary
15:55 - seems to be it!
You can change any button to a toggle button in Steam Input by [Gear button] - Settings - Toggle, but in Souls games you can hit other buttons during the toggle that cancel the pose, which could result in the pose kicking back in at an inopportune time, because Steam would consider the button toggle still active.
If you put the toggle on an Action Set Layer though, you can use another command on other buttons to Remove the Action Set Layer, which deactivates the toggle, keeping you from getting in a confusing toggle state later. That's what I show how to set up in this tutorial, specifically for using charge-based Weapon Arts (Skills) with a two-handed weapon--it'd be more complicated with a sword & shield or dual wield, but I don't use those and haven't tried going into that.
For these charge-based Weapon Arts, left/right on the d-pad, or using the art itself with R1/RB or R2/RT needs to cancel the toggle state, and that's done by having the toggle on an Action Set Layer, and assigning a Remove Action Set Layer command to those buttons.
Steam Library - View controller settings - (Steam Input) Edit Layout:
- Default
- "Weapon Skill Toggle"
- Always On Command - Left Trigger (Toggle)
R1 Executes 2 Commands
- Command 1 - Right Bumper
- Command 2 - Remove Action Set Layer (Weapon Skill Toggle)
R2 Executes 2 Commands
- Command 1 - Right Trigger
- Command 2 - Remove Action Set Layer (Weapon Skill Toggle)
L2 Executes 2 Commands
- Command 1 - Left Trigger (Toggle)
- Command 2 - Add Action Set Layer (Weapon Skill Toggle)
Left Executes 2 Commands
- Command 1 - DPad Left
- Command 2 - Remove Action Set Layer (Weapon Skill Toggle)
Right Executes 2 Commands
- Command 1 - DPad Right
- Command 2 - Remove Action Set Layer (Weapon Skill Toggle)
I'll probably do something similar for L1/LB when I get a bow, so I don't have to hold that button down to stay in zoom/free-aim--that's what I did in Ds2, anyway. (Prior to Ds2--in DeS & Ds1--bow zoom/free-aim WAS a toggle button, rather than a button you had to hold.)
  paleface 19:38:27 02/09/25

0:30 - exploring Firelink Shrine
18:03 - Firelink Shrine floating texture glitch
35:58 - High Wall of Lothric
57:25 - Pus of Man
59:25 - Crossbow
1:17:15 - Lothric Wyvern
1:20:25 - Lothric Knight
1:40:25 - Longbow vs Pus of Man
2:04:01 - Longbow vs Lothric Wyvern toe
2:13:45 - Claymore
2:23:25 - Mimic
2:25:58 - Longbow & Claymore vs Lothric Knight
The way Pus of Man just hit its leash distance and stopped dead was kinda weird. ; D
Got a Longbow & Claymore! : D (And hm skimming ahead slightly in the fextralife wiki walkthrough, the Zweihander may not be far off!)
Forgot to try the Longbow's Weapon Art. And I gotta set up its free aim zoom (L1) as a toggle through a Steam Input Action Set Layer so I don't gotta keep the button held down while aiming--like I did with L2 for melee Weapon Arts. ^ _^
  paleface 20:22:58 02/10/25

29:10 - 2nd bonfire
33:45 - roof whoops
59:53 - shortcut
1:18:07 - slow-draw vs knight 'o'
1:20:41 - elevator oops
1:23:32 - picking off knights
Note to self: don't hit L1 when standing on a ledge one-handing your sword. : P
I gave the elevator blooper it's own highlight video:
Had to give up on using Steam Input to have the bow free-fire/zoom button--L1 (LB)--as a toggle button, 'cause Ds3 also needs it for menu navigation. 'p' Also Steam Input was getting weird conflicted inputs when I tried having two Action Set Layer toggle buttons set up 'ppp''--so I'll just keep the one for toggling Weapon Arts, I guess.
  paleface 18:35:23 02/16/25

1:18 - getting pimped by blue Lothric Knight ("red eye knight"-wiki)
48:39 - cheesing blue knight w/ bow ^ _^
54:41 - cathedral
1:04:39 - getting whupped by Vordt of the Boreal Valley
1:49:14 - summoning Sword Master
1:54:14 - 2 summons vs invader & 2 red knights ; D
1:56:10 - summons cream Vordt ; DD
1:59:30 - wrap!
Forgot that I can't really melee the knights 'cause they just go right through my attacks and hit me anyway. = P Fortunately they're super-cheesable with a bow! = DD
Grimylack Grimes was a player. ^ _^ That was fun with two summons vs two knights and an invader--and they turned Vordt into hash in a flash! = ooo
Vordt's second phase double body block was being a real pain. = P Also I was being just generally inept. ; D I did KIND of get his first phase down...occasionally. = oo
The game just letting the camera clip into his body when he crowds you, so you can't see what the heck is happening, is just bad game design. ; PPP
When I went into the boss area, invader Borat "returned home"--I wonder if they just got sick of facing my summons, or if invaders are actually blocked from entering the boss area--seems likely I guess.
Looking at the fextralife wiki walkthrough for High Wall of Lothric, it looks like there might have been another NPC summon sign up at the "top of the stairs" outside the boss area? AND I've apparently missed the "Cell Key" that would have got me into that cell with the NPC, who I think becomes a vendor who sells the Zweihander! So I gotta go back for that! = oo
  paleface 22:15:37 02/17/25

39:10 - Greirat's cell
50:28 - Greirat in Firelink
57:50 - Undead Settlement
1:10:29 - Yoel of Londor
1:35:25 - Loretta
2:13:50 - Greirat
"Petty thief" "Grey Rat," a distant cousin of Fritz Leiber's "The Gray Mouser," maybe. ^ _^
I gotta find that Yoel of Londor guy, he's probably tucked away somewhere in Firelink now too.
· Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin (PC)
· Dark Souls: Remastered (PC)
· Demon's Souls (PS3)

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