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Pocket Tennis
  opened by paleface at 04:15:34 02/17/04  
  last modified by paleface at 20:45:32 02/15/25  
  paleface [sys=NGP; cat=Sports; reg=JPN]
Reference added: 402
  "Pocket Tennis and Pocket Tennis Color are very similar games."
I got this because I heard it was a little more challenging than the later Pocket Tennis Color (see entry 402). And it is, but unfortunately the increased difficulty comes from less forgiving controls rather than tougher computer opponents: serving in this version is much touchier, and your little player seems to have a much shorter reach.
Aside from that, the obvious color difference, and having a few fewer playable characters and courts, this version is pretty darn similar to the NGPC version.
  paleface 23:11:14 02/25/24
Download added: 00_tennis.png (27415 bytes)

Pocket Tennis
Earlier, more challenging version with fewer characters and less animation--more challenging because serving is touchier and your character has a shorter reach. : P
  paleface 19:48:42 02/08/25
Selling mine:
~ ~ ~
Pocket Tennis (Neo Geo Pocket) monochrome / black & white. Tested & working.
~ ~ ~
This is the game "Pocket Tennis" for Neo Geo Pocket (NGP). It is the Japanese (NTSC-J) version, NEOP00090. Unlike the later color version, "Pocket Tennis" plays entirely in black and white, and did not come out in the US.
This auction consists of the following items:
- game cartridge
- game clear case
The item is used and in good condition. The game played with no problems.
  paleface 20:45:32 02/15/25
· Pocket Tennis Color (NGPC)

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