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posted by exodus on august 30, 2022 at 02:01:02 est in reply to i've still dodged it, double-boosted. i'm hopeful that the improved booster(s) in future will finally do the job, but who knows, because it's obvious most people aren't going to bother to get it (and as noted, the us is going to charge people for 'em) even with re-infection so possible, so i suspect we'll never really reach a point where it's unlikely i'll catch it if i choose to live a normal, "pre-pandemic" life. after that short window last summer before the variants really started kicking in i haven't eaten in restaurants and i still mask to go inside anywhere. i don't see any problem with that, but it'll get boring again in winter when i can't eat out on patios? from aerisdead.
yeah... that's the nice thing about oakland i guess, it's pretty much always fine to be outside. and i'm going to japan... next week! wild times. it's for tgs, so i've got a business visa. you know i'll be hitting the shops and messing around though!


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