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Posted by Paleface on October 22, 2018 at 03:11:42 EST in reply to I bought KOF Battle de Paradise finally!! I wasn't sure I'd ever get it because a) it's a board game and b) it was always just a bit more expensive than I would've liked. I saw a copy for 15 bucks so I grabbed it - main reason being since I'm working on this SNK collection, it has a unique feature I forgot about. You know how if you put it into a B&W NGP you get a minigame? Well, that minigame is Yosaku, a remake of an early arcade game from SNK that seems to be almost completely lost. This game is not only the only way to easily play an SNK-made version of this game (epoch made a clone for the cassettevision), it also might be a hint to where a board might be, because whoever made this minigame must have played the original, right? Well, that's my NGP update for the month probably! (n/t) from exodus.

New high score (and apparently YouTube world record--my recording inside ; ) of 3280 -- I figured out I'd been swinging at the boars way too early. Also, hunted around for more on Yosaku: dug up what may be a video of the original, and also details on its apparent Toaplan origins.

[Here's what I wrote for the video's description on YouTube:]
Me playing the hidden black and white game you get if you put the Neo Geo Pocket Color color game cartridge of "The King of Fighters: Battle de Paradise" in a black and white Neo Geo Pocket system!
The hidden game is called "Yosaku," which, according to a fellow I know who is researching early SNK stuff, Necrosoft Games (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY4e9nyxjQO8f9SNHrMZgLw/), started out as a now-almost-completely-lost arcade game, about a woodsman chopping trees while avoiding messy birds, snakes, and wild boars.
The arcade game was ported as a launch title, "Kikori no Yosaku," for the Epoch Cassette Vision; most of the Yosaku videos on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBfMUyFu7NNJiQcoDhn4FSA are of that version: for instance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1FpDeznk5g , which also shows the Cassette Vision console in action.
But one video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpR4J7yT0P4 is different, and may be of the original arcade game; it credits development to "OLCA Corporation," which is also mentioned about the original Yosaku game by various articles on Yosaku I found around the internet, for instance this tweet with screenshots and a flyer from a 1992 Mega Drive magazine preview article: https://twitter.com/VGDensetsu/status/962655953442295808
A comment by user curewindy3 on that video, replying to their own comment from several years earlier in which they'd thought it was some version of the Cassette Vision edition, says, "違いますよ これが元です アーケード版が出てから2年後にカセットビジョンに移植されたんです" which google translates as "It is wrong This is the original It was transplanted to cassette vision two years after the arcade version came out."
It appears "Olca" actually refers to "Orca Corporation," a small game development company that had gone bankrupt in 1984; later, some members had formed a group called called Toa-KIKAKU Toaplan ("Project East Asia" in English), which came to be known as the developer Toaplan -- who did work for SNK early on. (Info from https://segaretro.org/Toaplan .)
This hidden NGP version of Yosaku, you'll note, also has a little fun with the game's developer attribution--giving it at 0:39 as "SHINNIHON KIKAKU"; "Shin Nihon Kikaku," or "New Japan Project" in English, is what "SNK" stands for!--but it's also an echo of Toaplan's full original name : ).
Besides this video you're on now, there's only one other video of the hidden NGP version of Yosaku on YouTube as far as I know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lre8pw6JFU by Trevgauntlet; it's a reveal video rather than a full play attempt at the game. Which means...my video is the current (at the time I'm uploading this video, at least : P) YouTube WORLD RECORD Yosaku video by default! De-fault! De-fault! : D
I did happen to kind of figure out how to hit the main scourge of the woodsman, the rampaging wild boars, a little better in this attempt--previously, I had been swinging way too early; don't swing until you can feel their breath on you! : O So I did a lot better than I had previously, and wound up with 3280 points. : P
It's a fun little game!
Recording: Neo Geo Pocket filmed with a Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920, super-low-production style
(By the way, exodus, another comment on that apparent original Yosaku video, by user fukumentaro3, says "私も純正基板持ってます!!昔買ったので8000円でした。与作とドン平と間違えられやすいですが全くの別物ですよね。" which Google translates as "I also have a genuine board! Because I bought it a long time ago it was 8000 yen. It is easy to make mistakes as a work and Don He is a completely different thing."
So if you're really trying to track the original down, might be worth asking them or the poster of that video, higenekodo.)

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