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  opened by paleface at 16:25:06 05/15/24  
  last modified by paleface at 18:53:30 10/02/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Utility; reg=PAL]
I'm using the "full add-on support" version.
"Legacy effects - AdaptiveSharpen.fx" is good for fixing the blurry graphics in Fire Pro Wrestling World, and in X-Men PS3 in RPCS3 (at 1.5 strength there).
"SweetFX by - FakeHDR.fx" fixes the light gray washed-out look of FPWW.
"SweetFX by - Nostalgia.fx" and to a lesser extent "SweetFX by - CRT.fx" are kind of fun to play with, but do make things harder to see.
ReShade's set-up is a little unusual. When you want to use ReShade on a program, you run the ReShade Setup program, point it to the .exe you want to use it in, and it prompts you to pick a graphics API to affect, trying to guess the right one from the .exe--I've never had it guess right. ^ _^
Then you pick which FX to install for that .exe, by set--but you can't search for .fx by name, which is a bit inconvenient; and while you can run Setup again later to add more per .exe, you can't uninstall them through Setup as far as I can tell--just gotta go delete the installed .fx files you don't want there; I always do this anyway as it for some reason insists on installing a few default ones I have no interest in using. It also leaves a ReShadePreset.ini, and textures in a "reshade-shaders" folder, even after running the Uninstall for it on an .exe.
ReShade is accessed from a program via the Home button. After configuring the desired .fx, you can check "Performance Mode" at the bottom to close their config interfaces, which supposedly somehow improves performance. I haven't noticed a performance dip with the .fx I've used, but I haven't measured and am going to pretend there's no measurable difference in input delay--and especially not if running with all .fx off, as I am now doing for instance when running other games besides X-Men in RPCS3. = o
Have to remember to deactivate the .fx before clicking Stop for X-Men, 'cause that tends to crash RPCS3--and anyway I probably don't want the .fx on in whatever PS3 game I might start next.
These .fx really improve the blurry/washed out visuals in those games, though!
(I tried AdaptiveSharpen on the sometimes blurry games in the Taito collections in PCSX2, but it didn't seem to do much--but then, I found I could fix that blur by turning off bilinear filtering for both Display and Textures in PCSX2, so I guess ReShade was competing directly against the program's own rendering effects there.)
The Patreon page for the main dev, crosire, says "bietet ReShade"; "bietet" is German for "offers," says Google translate--so I'm calling this PAL territory.
  paleface 16:38:21 05/15/24
ReShade is open source but does not have an Issues tab for reporting bugs, so I can't try them on that X-Men RPCS3 crash on Stop. ; )
  paleface 16:47:20 05/15/24
Can disable the two default Add-ons without affecting the .fx I've been using.
ReShade adds a screenshot key! On Print Screen by default, although you can change this in settings. Handy for FPWW which doesn't have a screenshot function of its own as far as I know.
  paleface 17:08:56 05/15/24
Ah that X-Men crash doesn't happen when running RPCS3 in OpenGL rather than Vulkan. : )
  paleface 17:43:56 05/15/24
Can install ReShade for just a single game in RPCS3 by right-clicking the PS3 game icon in RPCS3's game list, selecting Create Shortcut (desktop), then running ReShade's set-up and pointing it to that shortcut.
You can delete the shortcut once you've done that; now, when running games from RPCS3, only the one for which you did that shortcut ReShade set up will have ReShade running in it!
So between that and setting X-Men's custom config to use OpenGL rather than Vulkan, this is now working perfectly in RPCS3. : )
  paleface 19:11:31 05/15/24
Oops, the shortcut thing was a load of nonsense; ReShade is still set for all of RPCS3, not a specific game within it; it's just that it's only going to be active for the PS3 games configured within RPCS3 whose configured renderer matches ReShade's configured renderer.
So, if say X-Men is the only game in RPCS3 set to OpenGL, and ReShade is pointed at OpenGL with its Setup on rpcs3.exe (whether chosen via Shortcut or not), then of the games in RPCS3, ReShade will only be operational on X-Men--so you won't have to worry about toggling the .fx off/on for the other games.
  paleface 22:51:11 05/15/24

X-Men for PS3--which I'm now running in RPCS3 in Windows--and Fire Pro Wrestling World for PC have blurry graphics. "Legacy effects - AdaptiveSharpen.fx" in the free post-processing utility ReShade can sharpen them up! But you gotta work around a few things in RPCS3.
Switching X-Men--and ReShade--from Vulkan to OpenGL for RPCS3 a) avoids the crash that can occur when stopping the game and b) means it only affects games in RPCS3 that are set to use OpenGL, so you don't gotta toggle the fx off when switching to your other games, which are probably all on the default renderer, Vulkan.
The other fx I like to use along with AdaptiveSharpen on Fire Pro Wrestling World is "SweetFX by - FakeHDR.fx," which fixes its light gray washed-out look.
For Fire Pro I also show a couple other pixelated fx that are kind of fun to mess with: "SweetFX by - AdvancedCRT.fx" and "SweetFX by - Nostalgia.fx."
Fire Pro Wrestling World is DirectX 11, so you pick "DirectX 10/11/12" when running ReShade's Setup on FireProWrestlingW.exe.
  paleface 16:02:32 05/21/24
I like the VHSPro shader for Mr. Do! in ares, which uses a different shader system--but there's a more complex ReShade version of the shader here:
  paleface 16:31:46 05/21/24
For VHSPro, turn off Fisheye, and change Bleeding from "Three Phase" to "Old Three Phase," which is less blurry.
  paleface 17:00:40 05/21/24
Works in DuckStation, PCSX2, RPCS3, and MAME at least 0.261 and later (set to DX 10/11/12; I use GDI (software) rendering for earlier MAMEs, which I think wouldn't work).
Not so great in Mednafen (max FX in borders and bleeding into game).
Doesn't work in Flycast. Didn't try in ares, which has its own shader system.
  paleface 17:13:18 05/21/24
Also works on VICE (DirectX).
Don't think it works on Speccy--not sure what video method Speccy uses.
  paleface 03:05:24 05/22/24
For old MAMEs, remove "-video gdi" and let them run in the default "d3d"--this is old DX, so set ReShade for DirectX9. Then, since old MAME automatically bilinear filters D3D, turn off VHSPro's "Bleeding" blurring effect.
Comes out still a bit blurrier than I'd like.
Also, I seem to prefer VHSPro for static-screen games like Ms. Pac-Man and Mr. Do!; it feels a bit more in the way in scrolling games like Night Slashers and Galaga, where there's already animation stuff going on in the background.
  paleface 03:16:05 05/22/24
Actually, I kinda like it for some scrollers, like Double Dragon and Kung-Fu Master. Maybe they tend to have a little less animation or detail going on. Yeah but it feels a little too busy for like Final Fight.
  paleface 19:10:29 05/22/24

Ms. Pac-Man
I installed ReShade on MAME, and the ReShade Shader I'm using is one I found today in the emulator Ares--it's a shader called "VHSPro," and I got the ReShade version from (and to install it, just copied its .fx file into the reshade-shaders folder in MAME, once I'd installed ReShade for that mame.exe).
In ReShade's VHSPro config menu--it's got loads of options accessible with the Home key once installed in MAME, unlike the no-option shaders in Ares--I turned off Fisheye, and switched Bleeding from "Three Phase" to "Old Three Phase," which is less blurry, and looks more like the version I first saw and liked today on SNES Mr. Do! in Ares.
Oh! I didn't set a new high score, I just exactly equaled the old one, haha! ^ _^
I definitely do better when I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing, so I can't get worried about the ghosts or zero in too hard on dots. = D
Was just playing using the arrow keys on the keyboard! Probably not what I want to do long-term since I tend to slouch into non-ergonomic positions more when doing that, I think--but I hadn't realized I could play that well on keyboard... I suppose it just goes to show my play doesn't exactly depend upon manual dexterity. ; D
Those credits in the VHSPro.fx are
" VHS Pro by Vladmir Storm

Ported by Marty McFly and Matsilagi
Updated for ReShade 4+ by Marot Satil and Bapho"
Apparently they did miss an "i" in his name; Vladimir Storm is on YouTube: @vladstorm_
The shader appears to be a copy of Storm's VHS Pro shader on the Unity AssetStore:
An earlier & simpler version called VHS Shader was copied from Storm's VHS Tape Noise
OH! I was babbling about moving my NES play from Mesen to Ares because I thought ReShade (and VHSPro) didn't work in Mesen...but it does! Oh! Neat. : D
Didn't work too well in the current version of Mednafen though, which I currently use for Genesis, PC Engine, and NGPC.
And it doesn't work for me in old old old versions of MAME that I use for certain old ROMs of mine (like Dig Dug and Night Slashers) in which I use GDI (software) rendering because MAME back then enforced blurry bilinear filtering on DirectX output. Hmm then again this shader does some blurring anyway so maybe I could just turn off ITS own blurring and use old MAME's blurring in DirectX. ; D Ah yeah that WORKS (have to point ReShade's install to DX9), although it's a smidge blurrier than I'd like, even after turning off VHSPro's Bleeding option, which does the shader's own blurring.
  paleface 03:36:03 09/30/24 [relations updated]
AdaptiveSharpen is a big help for upscaled 720p PS3 games in RPCS3, like VF5FS (see entry 1376) and Demon's Souls (see entry 1688).
  paleface 03:44:25 09/30/24
Oops it's Luma Sharpen, not AdaptiveSharpen.
  paleface 23:16:49 10/01/24
In order to capture post-processing FX like LumaSharpen, have to use Display Capture in OBS, not Game Capture. (DC also captures the ReShade UI, whereas Game Capture does not.)
  paleface 10:53:48 10/02/24
Window Capture in OBS captures ReShade's LumaSharpen, but ALSO captures the cursor, even when I have OBS's cursor capture option unchecked, dang.
  paleface 18:53:30 10/02/24

Applying ReShade's "LumaSharpen" shader in VF5FS running in RPCS3.
My video capture program OBS Studio's "Window Capture" capture mode can capture ReShade's LumaSharpen shader, but also captures the mouse pointer, even with Window Capture's mouse capture option unchecked 'p', so I guess I'll have to stick to its "Display Capture" mode, which captures everything on the desktop. (Normally I'd use "Game Capture" mode, which captures just the game--and also somehow doesn't show RPCS3's emulation frame drop hiccups--but Game Capture DOESN'T capture ReShade's post-processing, suck as LumaSharpen--or even the ReShade settings window that pops up inside the game window.)
· Demon's Souls (PS3)
· Fire Pro Wrestling World (PC)
· OBS Studio (PC)
· RPCS3 (PC)
· Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (PS3)
· X-Men (PS3)

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