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Virtua Tennis
  opened by paleface at 21:42:27 05/20/24  
  last modified by paleface at 14:05:25 09/05/24  
  paleface [sys=DC; cat=Sports; reg=UC]

THIS is the real Virtua Tennis! None of that button holding, slow wind-up, weak-volley-hitting, extra button junk of the later VTs! You've got one ground stroke button, you press it, and your character hits the ball as hard as they can! BAM! It's simple, it's fast, it's direct, it feels great, everybody loved it! I just don't know how they forgot this in the later games, but they sure did. I'm stickin' to this one, it rules. ^ _^
  paleface 14:05:25 09/05/24
A is Shot, X and B are Lob; I've swapped A and X (so on DualSense my [] is Shot, X is Lob).
· 00_modes.jpg
· Tennis 2K2 (DC)
· Virtua Tennis 2009 (PS3)
· Virtua Tennis 3 (PS3)
· Virtua Tennis 4 (PS3)
· Virtua Tennis: World Tour (PSP)

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