#sysgenreregtitle1.1302DCDrivingUC18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker 2.806DCShooter_3DUCAlien Front Online 3.628DCShooter_4wayUCArmada 4.1294DCFightingJBakumatsu Roman Dai Ni Maku: Gekka no Kenshi Final Edition 5.802DCShooter_4wayUCBangai-O 6.810DCPuzzleJBomber hehhe! 7.811DCPuzzleUCBomberman Online 8.346DCShooter_HorizJBorder Down 9.1935DCHardwareUCBroadband Adapter 10.755DCPuzzleUCBust-A-Move 4 11.35DCShooter_3DUCCannon Spike 12.814DCFightingJCapcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 13.895DCHardwareJCapcom vs. SNK ASCII Stick FT 14.813DCFightingUCCapcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 15.1384DCFightingJCapcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro 16.721DCShooter_VertJChaos Field 17.815DCPuzzleUCChuChu Rocket 18.1039DCPuzzleUCCool Herders 19.772DCSportsJCosmic Smash 20.764DCDrivingUCCrazy Taxi 21.629DCDrivingUCDaytona USA 22.1627DCHardwarePALDC SD Adapter V2 23.771DCDrivingUCDemolition Racer: No Remorse 24.894DCHardwareUCDreamcast 25.1631DCHardwareJDreamcast 26.663DCUtilityJDream Passport 3 27.1626DCUtilityPALDreamShell 4.0 RC 4 28.337DCAdventureUCEcco the Dolphin 29.1303DCHardwareUCEnforcer 30.1622DCDrivingUCF355 Challenge 31.1285DCFightingUCFatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves 32.1803DCFightingJFighting Vipers 2 33.1849DCWrestlingJFire Pro Wrestling D 34.897DCHardwareUCFishing Rod 35.1286DCFightingJGarou: Mark of the Wolves 36.97DCWrestlingJGiant Gram 2000 37.98DCShooter_VertUCGigawing 38.99DCShooter_VertUCGigawing 2 39.1381DCFightingJGuilty Gear X 40.110DCShooter_VertUCGunbird 2 41.120DCPuzzleJHanagumi Taisen Columns 2 42.1618DCHardwarePALHanzo 43.123DCBeat_em_upUCHeavy Metal: Geomatrix 44.129DCShooter_VertJIkaruga 45.1490DCFightingJJoJo no Kimyouna Bouken: Mirai e no Isan 46.1335DCFightingUCJoJo's Bizarre Adventure 47.1176DCShooter_VertJKarous 48.139DCFightingJThe King of Fighters 2000 49.140DCFightingJThe King of Fighters 2001 50.141DCFightingJThe King of Fighters 2002 51.1284DCFightingJThe King of Fighters '99 Evolution 52.1283DCFightingJThe King of Fighters Dream Match 1999 53.1288DCFightingUCThe King of Fighters Dream Match 1999 54.1287DCFightingUCThe King of Fighters Evolution 55.1613DCHardwarePALKuro 56.1295DCFightingUCThe Last Blade 2: Heart of the Samurai 57.1230DCShooter_HorizPALLast Hope 58.164DCShooter_VertUCMars Matrix 59.333DCFightingUCMarvel vs. Capcom 60.1257DCFightingUCMarvel vs. Capcom 2 61.1620DCFightingJMarvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes 62.770DCDrivingUCMetropolis Street Racer 63.555DCAction_VarietyUCMidway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 64.388DCPuzzleUCMr. Driller 65.380DCPuzzleUCMs. Pac-Man Maze Madness 66.176DCPuzzleJMusapey's Choco Marker 67.556DCAction_VarietyUCNamco Museum 68.1311DCSportsUCNBA 2K2 69.631DCShooter_3DUCOuttrigger 70.1933DCRole_PlayingUCPhantasy Star Online 71.1934DCRole_PlayingUCPhantasy Star Online Ver.2 72.734DCFightingUCPower Stone 2 73.427DCShooter_VertJPsyvariar 2: The Will to Fabricate 74.1084DCPuzzleJPuyo Puyo Fever 75.805DCHardwareJRacing Wheel 76.1023DCShooter_VertJRadirgy 77.750DCShooter_3DJRez 78.335DCStrategyJSakura Taisen 79.1948DCStrategyJSakura Wars Complete Box 80.1786DCDrivingUCSega Rally 2 81.664DCAction_VarietyUCSega Smash Pack Volume 1 82.1240DCAdventureUCShenmue 83.731DCShooter_VertJShikigami no Shiro II 84.751DCRole_PlayingUCSkies of Arcadia 85.1612DCFightingJSoulCalibur 86.630DCRhythmJSpace Channel 5 Part 2 87.1033DCFightingUCStreet Fighter Alpha 3: Saikyo Dojo 88.1319DCFightingUCStreet Fighter III: 3rd Strike 89.1357DCFightingJStreet Fighter III: 3rd Strike 90.1318DCFightingUCStreet Fighter III: Double Impact 91.1356DCFightingJStreet Fighter III: W Impact 92.871DCPlatformerUCSuper Magnetic Neo 93.1946DCPuzzleJSuper Puzzle Fighter II X for Matching Service 94.1091DCDrivingUCSuper Runabout: San Francisco Edition 95.679DCFightingJSuper Street Fighter II X for Matching Service 96.378DCSportsUCTennis 2K2 97.338DCDrivingUCTokyo Xtreme Racer 2 98.288DCWrestlingJToukon Retsuden 4 99.1178DCShooter_VertJTriggerheart Exelica 100.794DCShooter_VertJTrizeal 101.502DCShooter_VertJTwinkle Star Sprites 102.804DCHardwareJTwin Stick 103.1041DCShooter_VertJUnder Defeat 104.707DCFightingJVampire Chronicle for Matching Service 105.769DCDrivingUCVanishing Point 106.1387DCFightingJVirtua Fighter 3tb 107.1960DCFightingUCVirtua Fighter 3tb 108.294DCSportsJVirtua Striker 2 ver. 2000.1 109.1856DCSportsUCVirtua Tennis 110.1043DCStrategyUCWorms World Party 111.803DCShooter_4wayJZero Gunner 2 112.413DCBeat_em_upUCZombie Revenge
game title:description: system:DCAP2 AMI C64 CP4 DS GB GBA GBC GC JAG MD MS N64 NEO NES NGP NGPC PBL PC PCB PCE PCCD PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP SCD SNES SS WII X360 XBX ZXS ____________________ region: C J PAL UC ____________________ genre: Action_Variety Adventure Beat_em_up Cooking Driving Emulation Fighting Hardware Laser_Disc Light_Gun MUD Party Pinball Platformer Puzzle Rhythm Roguelike Role_Playing Shooter_3D Shooter_4way Shooter_Horiz Shooter_Vert Sports Strategy Utility Wrestling ____________________ added by:paleface mrdriller ____________________