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Konami Arcade Classics
  opened by paleface at 21:34:42 07/07/24  
  last modified by paleface at 10:34:15 08/06/24  
  paleface [sys=PS1; cat=Action_Variety; reg=UC]

Trying all of the games in "Konami Arcade Classics" for PS1, in the emulator DuckStation in Windows!
My other PS1 games playlist:
Yie Ar Kung-Fu
Roc'N Rope
Shao-lin's Road
Circus Charlie
Super Cobra
Road Fighter
Time Pilot
Oh! This is a port of a collection IN THE ARCADE called "Konami 80's AC Special"; the arcade collection was on System 573 hardware--which was based on PS1 hardware. The PS1 port was called "Konami 80's Arcade Gallery" in Japan. (Wikipedia says "It is also, to date, one of only two arcade compilations with both a coin-op and consumer release (the other being Space Invaders Anniversary).") (Klov lists the arcade compilation as "Konami 80.")
Can't remap the controls and for some insane reason the two action buttons selected are X and Circle. ; PPPP I swapped Circle with Square in DuckStation--thank goodness for emulation!
The European distributor tried to bill beat-em-up Shao-lin's Road as a follow-up to fighting game Yie Ar Kung-Fu. : P The game was called "Kicker" in the arcade the States so I'm not sure why it's under the JP/EU title here; I wonder if that was simply the preferred title when the arcade collection was made; or if it was deemed not worth the bother to change the title around for that collection.
Roc'N Rope, Shao-lin's Road, and Road Fighter are somewhat awkward. Yie Ar Kung-Fu is REALLY awkward, with its back-swaying attacks, small sprites, and slow looping jump--the MSX version in Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1 is so much better! ^ _^
I kind of like 5 of the 6 circus acts in Circus Charlie, but apparently not enough to care about beating them sequentially.
The rotary motion in Time Pilot and Gyruss doesn't translate well to the d-pad; I got used to it for Time Pilot but not for Gyruss, where you've got to sort of keep switching between the four cardinal directions to keep your rotation going. ; P Oh wait, the controller shown on the game intro screens IS a DualShock, even though it only shows control arrows on the d-pad in the diagram there. Let's see... Ah yeah the analogue stick DOES work, and way better than the d-pad for those two games. Of the arcade machine, Klov says "Joystick: 8-way." That would have sucked for those two games.
There's a manual save but no auto-save. : P
  paleface 03:38:21 07/21/24
Scramble and Super Cobra are actually kind of cool, intense shmups--and not really TOO military, kinda--well, Scramble at least is more sci-fi--BUT they do a horrible cycling color strobe when you die which gets kinda hard on the ol' eyes ya know.
  paleface 11:13:02 07/22/24
Scramble and Super Cobra are in Arcade Archives, as are most of these games. I looked up video of one of those and it still has the color cycling strobe on death, of course.
One version of Super Cobra that DOESN'T have the death strobe is the MSX version emulated in Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.2, which is available for purchase and download from the PS Store on Japanese PS3. It's significantly reworked from the arcade version, the bomb goes straight down rather than lobbing forward and it has that chunky MSX scrolling--but not nearly as bad as say the Darius games. ... Aw heck I'm going to get it, aren't I?
  paleface 10:34:15 08/06/24
Apparently getting snapped at by wolves from behind while riding in my little elevator is too scareh = O and I haven't got myself to go back to Pooyan.
· Arcade Archives Yie Ar KUNG-FU (PS4)
· Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.1 (PS1)
· Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol.2 (PS1)

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