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Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade
  opened by paleface at 20:30:34 07/21/24  
  last modified by paleface at 19:30:55 07/24/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Shooter_Horiz; reg=UC]

Playing through Darius II in the Steam version of M2's "Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade" on PC, at Easy/On difficulty!
Had a lot of fun with this so I guess I don't need to keep the 3-screen Arcade Archives version--see entry 1885--installed on my PS4, two screens on PC is plenty. Got through some stages I'd never seen before and KO'd a seahorse even! Heck I got the laser upgraded to a stage I'd never even imagined the game had. = ooo Uh real slow start though haha! ; D And a different ending!!
TAB is bound to toggling the PAUSE menu, so if you PAUSE the game, then press ALT+TAB to task-switch, the game UNpauses and you die while task-switched out. ; PPPPP
Looking through the hi score lists for Gradius (1), Old and New are close but Old has just a bit more scores entered; Extra has only half as much or so! Anyhoo I guess I'll try all of 'em I mean what else do I have to do with myself. ^ _^
OH! The Pause screen Zone Map shows the bosses for each zone! There's no avoiding the dreaded "Octopus" on Mars, but Earth zones L, N, and O have a boss that isn't the hermit crab! I'll hafta try that one! The Jupiter (final stage) boss that looks like a giant version of the P1 ship is only in the top and bottom zones (Z and V'), and there's a boss I haven't faced in the zones just inside them (V and Z').
(Checked out the Gradius games (see entry 104) and ah yeah it's not losing your weapons when you die that's the problem, it's losing your SPEED and being reduced to a painful CRAWL across space, UGH. So I just want to save state spam to avoid dying--which I do enjoy and that would be fine EXCEPT in Gradius you then end up with like 50 million options all firing like 40 beam bombs each and it's boringly easy, hah. So I guess I'll continue to avoid Gradiusususses.)
(And apparently I get really confused when trying to talk about Gradius while playing Darius. ; DDD)
  paleface 20:06:38 07/22/24

Checking out all three versions of Darius (1), and playing through the "Extra" version, in the Steam version of M2's "Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade" on PC, at Easy/On difficulty!
Oh! I guess I just saw in action with myself why the EXTRA version of Darius may not have nearly as many scores entered as the OLD and NEW versions: it lets you continue! So like once I realized that, I was sure gonna just play through rather than keep trying from the start with one credit for a score, and that's what I did (and save-scummed like a beast, especially the last stage which reverts to not allowing continues ; DDD), and no score got entered.
So now I don't know what to... Well heck I guess I'd probably just play EXTRA 'cause you've mostly got continues so I don't have to save scum QUITE the whole thing. ; )
But so far I THINK I've had more fun playing through Darius II--the stages and bosses feel a lot more varied in that one, it's got some story and a variety of endings, and I didn't have to save scum to get through! And on three screens MAN those boss lasers and little grey bullets of Darius 1 are so darned tiny and hard to see. = ooo
Darius 1's music starts out AWESOME but sure gets weird toward the end; not quite sure I even like the music in the 2nd-to-last stage, and the last stage's is a bit strange.
I spent so much time trying to work out how to dodge those fish-bullets-that-shoot-bullets from "FATTY GLUTTON-G" (1.10.08), finally noticed (1.19.19) if you hold still they just fire right around you. ; DD
  paleface 19:26:26 07/24/24

Darius Gaiden
Didn't get along with it. After the delicate balance Darius 1, II, and Sagaia went through, this felt really sloppy. The little hits of tiny slowdown here and there were a bit surprising, too.
· Arcade Archives Darius (PS4)
· Arcade Archives Darius II (PS4)
· Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade (PS4)
· Darius Gaiden (PS1)
· Super Darius (PCCD)
· Super Darius II (PCCD)

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