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Arcade Card Duo
  opened by paleface at 02:28:59 06/30/04  
  last modified by paleface at 21:07:16 03/13/24  
  paleface [sys=PCE; cat=Hardware; reg=JPN]
References added: 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616
  "Arcade Card games."
A RAM expansion HuCard, required to play a few later CD games ("Arcade Card" games). It's remarkably thick and heavy for a HuCard. There's also an "Arcade Card Pro" that is used by the SuperGrafx. According to the internet the Arcade Card brought a Super CD system up to a total of 16 Mb (that's 16 Megabits, or 2 Megabytes) RAM.
The Arcade Card had a lot of potential but was underutilized, no doubt in great part due to newer shinier systems such as the PlayStation popping up around the same time. Only about a dozen Arcade Card titles were produced, and these almost all ports of arcade games (many SNK fighting games). Of course, since it was just RAM, and not additional processors, the Arcade Card was still hampered by the PCE's sprite and sound handling abilities.
  paleface 14:31:48 03/13/24
Reads as a 32 KB card in the Sanni Cart Reader V5 with PCE adapter board, dumping with a checksum error--it is not defined in the pce definitions file loaded on the Reader's SD card.
I've read that the card is RAM expansion only, no software. It's essentially Duo-specific because PCEs require a BIOS for running games from CD-ROM--which is how the Arcade card-compatible games are shipped--and since the Arcade card itself takes up the HuCard slot, you can't use it with a HuCard "Super System Card" BIOS, which would also need to be in the HuCard slot; the Duo has the BIOS on a mounted chip, though, so it CAN have the Arcade card in the HuCard slot and a BIOS still accessible.
  paleface 21:07:16 03/13/24
Thanks for pointing out that there was also the Arcade Card Pro, which had both the BIOS AND RAM expansion, and so could run the Arcade Card games on no-Duo systems.
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