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Dokodemo Mahjong Color
  opened by paleface at 00:15:54 02/17/04  
  last modified by paleface at 12:25:50 03/05/24  
  paleface [sys=NGPC; cat=Puzzle; reg=JPN]
You know, for a while I liked the sexed-up Super Real Mahjong (entry 395) a lot more than this game--heck, I played this game like once and set it aside. But having gone back to both of them in the same day now, I like this one a lot more. Sure the graphics are much more plain than Super Real (being a rushed upgrade from the black and white NGP version), and there's no story whatsoever, and no saving, just pick-up four-player mahjong action.
But that's the thing: four-player. Against the computer, sure, but still, it feels much more interesting than two player. More people to steal tiles from, for one thing, and for another it isn't always just winner/loser, you earn or lose points depending on your relation to whoever at the table declared mahjong first (I confess I don't understand the scoring completely, or even mostly).
There are nicely drawn character portraits and you can choose who you want to face, though I'd be surprised of the portraits went along with any different personality or playing styles (I'm not good enough at reading other people's mahjong hands to tell). But they look funny and that's enough to amuse me. You can't save or anything but for a quick pick-up-and-play, it's good fun.
One down note however: the CPU takes several seconds to make a move. That doesn't sound so bad, but you have to sit through that three times before it's your turn again. I could swear the time varies slightly too, as if actual strategies and calculations are being made by the CPU in the interval. Weird.
  paleface 03:43:35 06/30/04
According to Johnny Undaunted's Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku FAQ at GameFAQs, "dokodemo" means "portable."
  paleface 13:58:56 02/18/24
Older emulators (NeoPop/Mednafen, and uh one other one I can't remember right now, I think) run this only in black and white. Newer emulators, well at least Ares and maybe MAME ( run it in color--but Ares (and Higan; not sure about MAME--farthest I can get is "mame.exe ngpc:dokodemo" giving strange missing file names, so maybe that's not the right file name for it, I don't know) requires the NGPC BIOS, which I don't think I have a legal means of obtaining.
  paleface 14:14:20 02/18/24
The B&W emulation in older emus probably explains the author of observing that they can only get it running in B&W--that's the only such note I can find about this quirk, though.
· ares (PC)

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