404? haha! your soul now belongs to us.
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posted by like vampiface like on august 18, 2022 at 00:15:12 est in reply to it's been 2.5 years since i posted "who all got that coronavirus" and i still haven't gotten it, against all odds, even when my partner had it for two weeks. weird. (n/t) from exodus.
make a new vaccine with his bloodddddddd
i don't figure i'll be lucky so i stay away from people, fortunately i work for myself and don't have immediate family around usually so i can do that. my brother is insisting on stopping through town in a week or so and i'm like okay i'm still in pandemic mode, let's meet in a park for a bit. all he's going to see of me is my n95 mask and sunglasses. 'p' he's like so when do you get out of pandemic mode, i'm like uhh when i'm not in line to be a disease vector. people are silly.


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