 level   Mexican Villa   Unlevelheaded reviews.    

Mexican Villa
by Sir_Taco
supports DM, Team, KFC
A very odd level. Comin' from as it does from Taco's early days that ain't too surprisin'. What's surprisin' is how fun it is, how th' weirdness actually makes it more fun. I can't think of a willfully weird level that I've enjoyed more than this one.

Make no mistake, this "villa" ain't Mexico compadre. Ain't even on planet Earth. No, this bizarre structure topped by a large tower an' ridiculously high divin' board, set in a large grassy area surrounded by high, blank yellow walls an' sittin' 'neath turbulent brown skies, ain't nowhere within a couple light-years. A real deep pool glistens under th' divin' board. There's a weird stumpy "tree" out in back. A low stone wall surrounds th' whole collection. Th' building's ground floor ain't much, jus' a bunch'a rooms with some weapons an' ammo scattered about. A "sink" connects through a large "pipe" to th' bottom of th' swimmin' pool.

Don't ferget ta ring a bell before ya dive.

It's all a bit odd.
But after ya get over that, an' start gettin' in th' flow of runnin' around an' shootin' you'll find that yer actually havin' fun here. Th' real thing ta do here is ta jump up on th' roof, climb th' bell tower, an' jump off th' divin' board hopefully into th' pool below. Why would ya do that? Besides th' fact that it's fun, there're a lotta goodies up there. You kin also see th' whole level from that height. An' don't ferget ta ring a bell before ya dive.

Th' board's too high up ta really hit anyone with a rifle shot, but there's a goodly amount of TNT layin' around that you kin chuck real far from that high up, an' probably catch unawares th' little ant-like players below. An' don't fergit ta search inside that rather funky tree-thing. What else can I say? It's quirky, but it works fer me.


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 level   Mexican Villa   Unlevelheaded reviews.