My original
plan fer this page was ta review the different files
available fer download for the game, such as the patches and
Lawmaker. But that's kinda borin'... let's do somethin' else!
If ya didn't get my font pack offa the
first page (shame shame) yer probably wonderin' why this site
looks so damned ugly. In fact I'm surprised ya lasted this
long. Well don't waste another minnit,
get those fonts now!
Demos and Patches
Make sure yer version of Outlaws is up ta date with th'
latest patch. I ya ain't got th' game yet an' aren't
sure it's worth th' investment, get a taste of real
Outlaws gameplay with th' downloadable demo.
Optimize yer Dial-Up Networking
Get better multiplayer gameplay with this extensive
list of Windows internet tweaks, tips and utilities.
Outlaws Video Comparison
Charts, screenshots and commentary
illustrating the differences in
Outlaws performance between DirectPlay, MGL and 3dfx Voodoo,
Voodoo 2 and Banshee.
If you've got a Voodoo card, don't miss the list of
tweaks that may increase your framerates by as much as
60%! Now with two critical files needed to get Outlaws
lookin' like it should for Banshee users!
Other Helpful Files
Whaddaya think -- this page has some extremely handy
programs ya kin download ta get yer system
up ta snuff fer facin' down those really
mean varmits out there. Like a Glide wrapper
to run Outlaws in Direct3D, drivers fer gettin'
that third mouse button workin', a
Spaghetti Western Doom2 add-on fer diehard
Sergio Leone fans, custom Outlaws crosshairs and
hacks and the NWX Editor fer all yer Outlaws sprite
editing needs, among other goodies.
The Outlaws Sequel Petition
Check the petition for an Outlaws sequel that ran
on this site. You can also check out ideas
from myself and other readers for what to put in a sequel;
if you have some ideas send them in and I'll add 'em to
the Outlaws 2 Wish List.
And finally
in a slightly different vein you may be interested in
my Sketch for a "Realistic"
Western Shooter which incorporates some of the ideas
I had for an Outlaws sequel into a rough draft of a very
different type of Old West game.
MGL: Faster Outlaws Framerates
If you're currently using the DirectDraw Outlaws video
drivers you may get a big performance boost by switching
to the MGL drivers hidden on yer Outlaws CD. MGL boosted
my Outlaws framerates by 300%! Can you say "169 frames
per second" without a 3D accelerator? YES you can: MGL!
Gamma and Monitor Calibration
Well ya kin have th' best video card an' monitor around but
they won't do ya a lick of good if ya got 'em set up all
wrong. This here's yer simple guide ta settin' yer
card gamma an' calibratin' yer monitor fer maximum
Outlaws visual happiness.
Outlaws Cheats
Th' most comprehensive compendium of Outlaws "cheat" codes
around, unless somebody copies it from me. Vary yer
Outlaws play with some pretty wacky effects.
Outlaws Taunts
There are nearly 500 different audio files in Outlaws
that you kin activate during gameplay to dazzle and
annoy yer friends. Want to bark like a dog? Moo like
a cow? Let rip with a crazy, gibbering scream? Make fun
of yer buddies in more than a dozen different dialects?
If so then this's th' page fer you.
Shot of the Day
I try ta post a new Outlaws screenshot every day. If
you've got a shot, send it in an' there's a good chance
I'll post it -- saves me th' trouble of havin' ta come
up with shots on my own. Jus' follow th' few simple
guidelines on this page, an' yer name an' masterpiece
could by up on lights on this site.
Outlaws Adventures in NT
Once ya get used ta WinNT it's hard ta go back ta 95.
Even though it says it doesn't on th' box, Outlaws DOES
work in NT. Mostly. In some respects it runs better than
under Win95, but let's jus' say that I still keep my
'95 partition around fer playin' Outlaws. Check this
page fer th' reasons why.
Play Law of the West
Thanks to the beauty of modern software emulators you
kin now play this great ol' game from th' Commodore 64
days on yer PC. Mosey through th' streets of a small
western town, dispensin' justice an' barbed insults as
only a sarcastic sheriff can. Jus' about everyone an'
their uncle are packin' heat in this classic adventure.
Download it today!
Full File Listing
Jus' th' contents of my "file" directory on my
anonymous ftp server,