Here's where I'm
gonna try to bestow all my gems of Outlaws lore upon ya,
greenhorn. These pearls o' wisdom kin make you
competitive with jus' about anyone out there,
so pay attention 'cause I ain't a-gonna repeat myself!
General Strategies
Th' fundamentals of Outlaws play that ya needs ta
learn an' fast if ya wanna get anywhere in multiplayer
Outlaws. This ain't no "camp on the rocket launcher"
game, you gotta learn some real skills.
Lag-fighting Tips
Lag won't ever go away completely in multiplayer gaming
but there's plenty you kin do ta minimize th' squeeze it
puts on yer online fun. Th' less ya lag, th' more ya kin
kill... this's important stuff, ya might say life or death!
Game-specific Strategies
Outlaws sports a variety of multiplayer gaming flavors an'
you'll need different strategies to succeed in all of 'em.
Tips an' Tricks
Don't complain 'bout "bugs" in th' game, exploit 'em! Here's
th' collected wisdom of th' pros, th' secrets behind all th'
down an' dirty tricks ya kin use ta shoot yer way ta th' top.
Ergonomic Tips
Outlaws is so addictive you'll be hunched over yer keyboard
fer hours on end. If ya aren't careful, that kin wind up
bein' hazardous ta yer fragile health. Screw this "play
through pain" crap, it's no fun 't'all!