 level   OkCorral   Unlevelheaded reviews.    

by Templar
supports DM, Team, CTF
What better place fer a shootout than at a corral? Now I dunno if this level resembles th' OK Corral, scene of th' famous gun battle between th' Earps an' th' Clantons, but it's a nice enough corral in it's own right, an' it's especially nice fer shootin' other Outlaws in down an' dirty deathmatches.

This level's got everything that makes fer a great Outlaws level. It's based on a real location, it's carefully constructed, it doesn't have too many heavy weapons or powerups layin' about, it's got a nice mix of indoor an' outdoor, big an' small, light an' dark areas, it ain't too big an' it's based on a central design that keeps the action concentrated. There's a dark two-story barn where much of th' fightin' takes place, th' open corral itself an' two snipin' ledges, one along each side of th' canyon that encloses th' corral.

Watch that you don't trip over those darned weeds like I kept doin'.

This makes for
a nice mix of action. Most of the gunbattles take place in or around the small barn, which also (coincidently enough) is where you'll find most of the items includin' three boilerplates, a double-barreled shotgun, a medkit, a rifle an' some cartridges an' tons an' tons o' canteens arranged in three rows. If ya get shot up bad jus' try ta make it ta one'a them rows of canteens an' you'll be feelin' better in no time. Of course in a fierce fight they tend ta go pretty fast.

There're some more health goodies hidden out in th' corral (look by th' horses) an' some ammo in a little shack. At that far end of th' corral are th' entrances ta th' two snipin' ledges which offer great views of th' action below as well as some pretty handy gear. Anyone waltzin' around in th' corral is jus' beggin' ta get shot from about four different directions at once. Plus they hafta watch that they don't trip over those darned weeds like I kept doin'. Why don't those horses go an' eat those things? Guess all th' hollerin' an' shootin' has taken 'em off their feed.


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 level   OkCorral   Unlevelheaded reviews.