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MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
  opened by paleface at 15:12:18 09/12/24  
  last modified by paleface at 20:17:08 10/18/24  
  paleface [sys=PC; cat=Fighting; reg=UC]

A player found a workaround for the Steam version of MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics showing Xbox button icons--or "glyphs," as Steam calls them--instead of PlayStation button icons for PlayStation--Steam calls them "DualShock"--controllers!
(Note: I had already turned on Steam Input for the controller, because without that, the game didn't even register the stick's directional inputs! ; P)
The workaround comes from:
Right click Marvel Vs Capcom in your library
Manage - Browse Local Files
Open Config.ini
Find line that says "Button Prompt = X360"
Change X360 to PS4
Start game to see if it works
It worked, thank goodness! Capcom, why???
  paleface 15:32:09 09/12/24
User gamezero6 notes on beating MvC1 boss Onslaught post 13:
Onslaught Form 1: Sit in the corner
punish after he does his rush attack, you got 2-3 sec.
punish with a Strong low attack while he does his beam attack, You also got 2-3 sec. after he does his beam so punish while you can.
This should take you 10-20 seconds with this tactic.
Onslaught Form 2: I actually think this is his easier form.
All you really got to do is hit his face and avoid the gravity holding things and the beams that shoot from the ground.
When he is in this form super jump is your ally and timing attacks. So be sure to practice simple air combos(for him atleast... online play is another story).
I don't have high confidence I'll be able to get anywhere against him, never have. ^ _^
  paleface 19:11:35 09/12/24

This time they did the "Light Reduction" feature right and it actually does remove all full-screen flash effects, as far as I've seen–a character with an activated Power Gem in Marvel Super Heroes doesn't cause a red screen flash on each hit with Flash Reduction on, for instance.
So I can finally play that game and heck finally have less-flashy and actual arcade-quality versions of the other early games in the Vs series, pretty pumped about this. ^ _^
MvC2's CPU is still too easy to beat w/ spam even on max difficulty (and if I wanted to play it I would probably play the DC version in Flycast for single-frame input delay) and I'm gonna guess MvC1's boss is still more of a pain than I can deal with, but really looking forward to digging into the others. (MvC1 w/o Light Reduction does white screen flash on heavy normal hits! = ooo)
Oh and I think you CAN mostly play The Punisher without having to shoot people–I mean, you can do other violent but not gun-violent things to them, like hit them with battle axes or grenades or bodyslams or whatnot, so pretty excited for that, too; seems like a good evolution of the Final Fight system, with lots of moves, enemies, and weapons, and some cool stages.
So far this is set up to be probably my favorite Capcom game collection ever, by a LOT.
Looks like the Naomi-based MvC2 is 4:3 rather than the wider CPS ratio, so I had that game slightly too wide. Found at & confirmed by checking a screenshot from this collection on the "Full" (CPS-style) aspect setting vs a screenshot from the DC version running in Flycast: "Full" stretches the graphics slightly wider horizontally. So I'll set that game to 4:3--although I'm probably not gonna play that one much anyway.
Down sides:
- Still has the overly complicated menu system of the earlier collections using this same template, like Capcom Fighting Collection
- Not great support for both the controllers I tried:
-- DualSense: Steam claims "great" native support but d-pad doesn't work and buttons are scrambled until you enable Steam Input--and it's Xbox button icons.
-- Hori Real Arcade Pro 5 PS4: Same problem as DualSense, on PS4 setting (didn't try PS3 or XInput or whatever), lever directions weren't recognized. Works via Steam Input, w/ wrong button icons.
One issue people have with this version of MvC2 is that it's running at like original 480p rather than hi-res like you can get in emulators--so it doesn't look nearly as nice here. Capcom's approach with these recent ports has been that they're as pure arcade as possible, so they don't hi-rezzify them, etc; I suppose they learned from Turbo HD Remix, 30th Anniversary, etc, that they're just not gonna get people away from emulators no matter what--they're probably going for a slightly more casual demographic, ie not the dedicated hardcores still playing these games full time.
Oh! That's what I was trying to think of! There's @MarvelInkaWarriors , still rocking Backbone Entertainment's widescreen PS3 MvC2 online multiplayer.
  paleface 00:26:34 09/14/24

X-Men: Children of the Atom, mostly as Wolverine
Looking at my two episodes with PS1 CotA, I didn't really take a hard stab at beating Arcade mode there, so it could have similarly ridiculous difficulty quirks for all I know.
This one defaults to difficulty 4, whereas most (all?) of the other fighting games in the collection default to difficulty 2. But 4 is...real hard. 2 is...real hard. 1 is...real hard. 0 is ridiculously easy, they just nerfed the CPU damage like 10x. After clearing that, took another stab at 1. I guess I got to the penultimate battle, so that's something. Maybe? Couldn't see a way past that one though. Still kinda surprised I finally beat Psylocke, not sure how I managed that.
All pretty crazy considering that I had to give up MvC2 'cause the CPU in that is too easy! Sheesh. This is pretty much the opposite problem. Maybe the next game, Marvel Super Heroes, will have a smoother difficulty curve. Actually I'm pretty sure I did beat that one on PS3... Ah yeah I 1cc'd MSH on PS3 with the three overpowered unlockable characters: Anita, Dr. Doom, and Thanos, probably on the default difficulty--hm might've been on Normal rather than Turbo speed though. Wonder how it'll go with the standard characters. = o
Oops I said I play SFII (SSFIIX for Dreamcast) on the lowest difficulty but actually I play it on the highest difficulty, and go in not expecting to beat it. ; D Maybe that's how I'd need to approach this game--except on difficulty 1 ; DD.
Oh hey there are at least two versions of Storm's stage: a blue afternoon one -- (1:24:22) -- and an orange sunset one (44:30). Some of the fighting animations and timings feel a bit rough, but overall the art and sound are pretty darn impressive--quite a kick-off for the series. It's incredible to think that Children of the Atom came out in December '94, when Super Street Fighter II Turbo had only come out in February of that same year! (And the first Darkstalkers game had come out in the middle of the year--'94 was huge for Capcom fighting games!!) (Alpha not until summer '95.)
  paleface 18:33:24 09/15/24

Wolverine playthrough on default 4/8 difficulty
Have this game for PS3 in the Marvel vs. Capcom Origins collection but it does a red screen flash on every hit with an activated Power gem, which my eyeballs did not get along with--but with the Light Reduction option turning off screen flash FX in this new Capcom collection, I can finally play MSH! ^ _^
And yeah this is just a big fun silly game, what a hoot. = D
Slightly worried they overreacted a bit to the crushing difficulty of the previous game, X-Men: Children of the Atom, by making this one a bit on the easy side--you can just super-jump down on the boss and he doesn't really seem able to handle it, for instance, at least on the default difficulty--but I still have all the other characters and the higher difficulty settings to try, so that'll keep me busy for a while at least, even if it does turn out to be on the easy side (like MvC2).
In the meantime then, just big huge chunky sprite 1-on-1 bashing action, YEAH! = DDD The presentation is off the charts here, the menus, stages, characters, colors, sounds and effects coming together seamlessly in ceaseless pixeliciousness that I'm not sure even Capcom themselves ever surpassed! :d
The collection cranks my gaming laptop's fan constantly (30% CPU usage) just sitting on the game selection menu, hopefully they can get some optimization in there. : P
  paleface 18:33:44 09/15/24
^ That's Marvel Super Heroes, that is ; )
  paleface 19:26:48 09/15/24

X-Men vs. Street Fighter -- Wolverine and Juggernaut, default 2/8 difficulty
Some rough spots with character switching in fights, and the stages are a REAL mixed bag (hey I think that giant tree trunk might be Amingo's ancestor or something : P), but the 1-on-1 fighting still works well and the difficulty balance is certainly the best so far in the series.
Fighting giant Apocalypse fist is sort of annoying. = P
I kinda wish the series had stayed all Marvel characters--like, Ryu being thrown into Wolverine's ending is a huge shrug. I suppose it let Capcom expand the roster quickly since they already had the character designs.
  paleface 02:16:41 09/16/24
Norimaro is a "joke" character based on comedian Noritake "Noritaro" Kinashi, he is only selectable in the Japanese sets (with some exceptions). In all other versions, his space is replaced with the game's logo. He can be selected on international versions by setting 0xCD to 01 or by using the following MAME cheat:[...]
  paleface 02:20:50 09/16/24
Executive Producer Yoshiki Okamoto really disliked the character, thinking he was incredibly uncool, but artist Akiman really liked his clear and simple design and praised him"
During the TV show's display of a prototype cabinet playing with Norimaro, he's shown having a unique grab move called "Okancho Service" (おかんちょうサービス, Okanchō Sābisu?) based on the Japanese prank known as "Kanchō". This move was removed from all versions of the final game, often believed at Marvel's behest.'
In the copyright notice in all versions of the game, Norimaro's rights are jointly owned by Capcom, Nippon TV, and Arrival. As such, any future use of the character would require the permission from all three companies. Norimaro was removed from all overseas versions of the game. According to former Capcom graphic artist Katsuya Akitomo, Marvel was violently opposed to Norimaro's inclusion, as the company didn't want an "unpowered gag character" going against their heroes. The Capcom staff pleaded with Marvel to use him and eventually reached a compromise where Norimaro would remain an exclusive of the Japanese version.
  paleface 17:53:33 09/17/24

A TRIPLE cross-over of Marvel, Street Fighter, and...Japanese comedian Noritake "Noritaro" Kinashi and his geeky "Norimaro" character? YES it's the version Marvel hated and never allowed outside of Japan--until now! I'm playing Norimaro and Wolverine through the Japanese arcade version of "Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter," on the default 2/8 difficulty and the top, Turbo 2 speed!
This is the point where we get into the frantic tag team action the rest of the series runs with; yeah the previous game, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, was technically 2-on-2 tag teams, but the tagging was pretty clunky, and the game still moved more like a standard 1-on-1 fighter--but MSHvSF churns along noticeably faster--helped by the revamp of the health meter/round system where it keeps going in one long round when you lose one of your characters, with hardly a second to catch your breath. I kinda prefer a more 1-on-1 style/pace so maybe it's less my thing, but I suppose it's impressive in its frantic way.
You don't get a new set of stages like you had in each previous game in the series, but man some of those stages in XvSF really WERE in need of a lot of TLC, so it's KIND OF like they're new stages, in that some of them (canyon, tree...) were total losses and turn-offs for me before. Wow they really went wild on that TV studio stage, which was already a really good stage before, but now is just BUSTING with pixels.
Something kinda caught up with me around the end and I couldn't even do standard super moves at the boss characters--but Apocalypse goes down a lot faster here than he did in the previous game, and Mech Gouki aka Cyber Akuma can kill you pretty quick but it's not like he has a ton of health.
Norimaro is all right to play I suppose; feels like he might be kind of a ranged character which isn't really my thing, but some of his melee moves are more effective than they look--standing HP has more range than the animation suggests, for instance--and even if he doesn't easily pile on the high damage combos close up like Wolverine, he's got moves to cover pretty much any part of the screen.
Not keen on how if you have to continue the CPU may switch characters and make you re-fight someone you already beat (unless it's like swapping OUT characters I hate fighting and get whupped by like Spidey, Ken, Cyclops). The CPU was sort of infuriatingly competent this outing, with footsies into combos and all that, dar! But overall the difficulty curve was reasonably smooth, maybe even surprisingly low toward the end.
Noritake Kinashi as his comedy character Norimaro, hanging out with the Capcom devs & playing himself in the game vs a kid who's also playing as him:

A comment on the video lists Capcom staff appearances, including:
3:26 Yoshiki Okamoto - Executive Producer
3:58 Akira Yasuda (aka Akiman) - Original Art Work
20:32 Hiroaki Kondo - Sound Director
Google Translate on my phone says the suit at 3:39 is "Ryuichi Hirata, Capcom Co., Ltd. Tokyo Branch Manager." I wonder if he was one of the power players who forced the Norimaro deal through despite the protestations of producer Okamoto, and of Marvel, who apparently really hated it but had to settle for just not letting Norimaro appear in the game outside of Japan.
Hm. The game hit arcades in Japan in July '97--might be about when this video came out? "Tokyo Branch Manager" is a kind of anonymous-sounding title for an exec, but Google results suggest Hirata was President of Capcom USA at least '94-'96, so maybe by '97 he WAS a real behind-the-scenes power-player at the company after moving back to Japan.
  paleface 18:54:05 09/18/24
Oops, planets and stuff in the backgrounds of all the games are clearly wider than round when the game is set to "Full" rather than "Full 4:3"--so should be on 4:3 for the CPS2 games as well as the Naomi game. Well heck.
  paleface 20:52:43 09/18/24

Playing through Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes as the team of Wolverine and Jin Saotome, on difficulty ZERO of 8
Well, finally beat that darn Onslaught. : P The rest of the game was way too easy on difficulty zero, but dang that boss! : PPP
Oh hey there's a double white screen flash on character KO in MvC2, so I suppose I WOULD play it in this collection--with Light Reduction on--if I wanted to play it, rather than playing the DC version in Flycast (a mere 1 frame total input delay! = ooo) as I had been doing for ages.
But I think I'll be sticking to the scrumptious Marvel Super Heroes for now. : ) Ehh and if that proves too easy vs the CPU--like MvC2--then maybe I'll have to go full masochist and try to get somewhere in X-Men: CotA. = o
Oops, just realized by comparing celestial bodies like the Earth in the background of the matchup screens here that ALL of the games in this collection--not just the Naomi one--should be on 4:3 ("Full 4:3" from Display options on the pause screens) rather than "Full," which I think is the default and fits their sidebar art but stretches circular things slightly wide ( ).
  paleface 21:27:47 09/18/24

The Punisher, default difficulty, as Nick Fury
You can play as Nick Fury with just one player by setting the "Player" option to "P2" on the game select menu, before starting the game.
I was a bit down on this game by the end, it's awful gray and brown and kinda slow despite all the weapon powerups they throw at you and all the moves you can do. The weapons don't last long very long, though, and eh I really hated having to fight that robot twice. : P
It probably would have gone a lot faster if I'd just used the gun in the gun scenes--which were many: when an enemy character draws a gun, your own character draws their own gun, and will shoot the gun instead of punching until the enemy gun-wielders are gone, or something. I'm not into guns though so insisted on either throwing the enemies, or bombing them with the limited number of grenades I had. Or jump kicking for very little damage. : P Throws don't really do that much damage, either. So that slowed the whole thing down, oh well. Shooting the gun makes character sprites flash so I wouldn't have wanted to do that, anyway, even if I didn't mind guns, 'cause my old eyeballs still mind flashes.
Oh yeah and there's no or very muted music, it's weird! That didn't help. I was yawning by the time I crawled to the end of this.
Some of the naked terminator robot animations are kind funny/funky. ^ _^
"The Fury faded into the night": I think they just word-swapped "Punisher" with "Fury" for the end text. 'p'
  paleface 23:46:10 09/19/24
Asked on the Steam forum and on if anyone recognized the "Full" screen setting's 77x54 ratio--nobody seemed to. Starting to think maybe they just thought they should widen up the standard 4:3 a bit to appeal more to people used to 16:9; at 1080p, "Full's" 77x54 is 1540x1080, ie they simply added 100 pixels of width to 4:3's 1440x1080.
  paleface 17:45:34 09/24/24

MSH - Hulk
Strugglin' a bit with Hulk's relatively slow speed, and I'm pretty bad at aiming his super; sure do love his character sprite though--and those big hits ARE super-satisfying in the rare moments I manage to combo them. ; D
  paleface 14:32:52 09/29/24

Captain America
Kind of a tactical almost-shoto, with both ranged--but slow--as well as decent hand-to-hand attacks, but he can't just go in all crazy-style like Wolverine--at least, *I* can't do that with him. Kept trying his heavy sweep which frequently got blocked and countered; finally convinced myself to try some medium kicks on Thanos and those were working well so yeah should probably not try his heavy all the time! Well, at least I did better with Cap than I managed with Hulk. ^ _^
Did surprisingly well against Spider-Man!
Cap's uppercut covers a huge area but the AI has an uncanny knack for blocking it--eh maybe I was just forgetting this is the Vs. Series and air blocking is a thing. Didn't really work unless I was right under them in the corner, pretty much.
He's got some kinda attack where he spins and jumps repeatedly across the screen with his shield in front of him, I think, leaving EX-like blue shadow trails behind, and it takes a super charge. But this game doesn't have EX moves I don't think so what the heck is that? ... Ah maybe that's what a FAQ calls "Infinity Counter; Jab Stars 'n Stripes"--b, db, d, P. Sheesh.
Hm oh shoot he's got a cartwheel with half-circle-back that goes through projectiles, says a FAQ on GameFAQs. That would be handy.
Wait he's got a double jump? OH.
IS Thanos the best Vs. Series boss? Seems to me like he kinda runs away with it (no pun intended!). : )
  paleface 19:48:40 10/05/24

MSH - Psylocke
She's fast, has pretty good kicks and her triple jump is fun, but she's a woman so let's make her individual attacks lower damage, her uppercut input non-standard, her supers hard to use, her Power Gem use confusing (she triplicates herself???), and we'll give her a teleport move--which the AI reads way more easily than I do ; D--that comes out whenever you accidentally extend a quarter circle move to a half circle with any button! Argh. I suppose she's probably got pretty low HP, too. Huge trouble vs Iron Man's beam spam and Juggernaut's hit-absorbing armor.
Oh that big "KOCHOU GAKURE" that flashed onscreen when I took out Juggernaut with her butterflies is the name of the super, I guess.
First time I've timed out the boss, I think. ; )
  paleface 20:21:40 10/12/24

No air dash in this game and dang I wanted a double jump or something for Spidey. Did pretty bad in the air and didn't manage much with his special moves. Shoot! Oh well at least I got Iron Man pretty good. ; D
  paleface 20:17:08 10/18/24

Iron Man
Hah well I thought maybe I'd found a cheese attack so I started playing through a second time just to test it and it did pretty much cheese through the cast, but got slower and slower so wasn't really like EFFICIENT or anything and then just didn't quite work against the boss, so after bonking my head on that for a while I just gave up and went back to Uni-Beam spam to super. = P
Not a fan of the Iron Man slow clunking (as I'm able to play him 'p')!
Man I feel kind of bad for liking his big beam super now given that it's a huge gun and eh well Tony Stark IS an arms manufacturer. ';P D-oh. Being woke is so hard. ; D
· Marvel Super Heroes (PS1)
· Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (PS1)
· Marvel vs. Capcom (DC)
· Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (PS3)
· Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (DC)
· Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite (PS4)
· Marvel vs. Capcom Origins (PS3)
· Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (PS4)
· X-Men: Children of the Atom (PS1)
· X-Men vs. Street Fighter (PS1)

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