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Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
  opened by paleface at 04:39:34 03/16/04  
  last modified by paleface at 12:27:18 03/05/24  
  paleface [sys=PCB; cat=Fighting; reg=NA]
Download added: urien_vs_dudley.mpg (14837764 bytes)
  "Er High-Speed (Urien) vs Master (Dudley), round one. Fight!"
Still the high-water mark for animation in a 2D fighting game after all these years--impressive but saddening at the same time. You really, really, really have to know what you're doing in this game if you want to get anywhere. As for myself, I can't parry to save my life, but I like to flop around and enjoy the nice sights and sounds.
Some of the fighters are a bit too outlandish to be interesting as anything more than novelties, at least for a softcore player such as myself--I wonder if Capcom wouldn't have been better of sticking to their regular SF roster? Then again if they had we wouldn't have Urien and Hugo and Dudley, so that's something. And if only they hadn't included boring old Ken and Ryu. :p
But the animation, flawless control and hit detection, and fine character balance win over everything. Despite my SNK leanings this is probably my favorite fighter--or at least the one I hold in the most awe.
  paleface 14:40:07 05/19/23
Extracted from Steam's Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection and running in ~current MAME 0.254.

Extracted with the Game Extraction Toolbox -- it's a Python script; I ended up using Windows Python but I think probably I could have used MSYS2 or WSL Python (which I also installed).
So it's basically

py -m pip install --user pipx
py -m pipx ensurepath
pipx install game-extraction-toolbox
gextoolbox tasks extract --task sf30ac --destdir ./
  paleface 14:46:28 05/19/23
Runs at slightly sub 60 fps so record using OBS's 59.94 fps setting.
  paleface 15:11:45 05/19/23
Difficulty is setting 7-2-1 from MAME F2 game bios set-up screens--all in Japanese with this ROM.
  paleface 23:32:28 05/20/23
Ryu white gi = light punch
  paleface 20:54:15 05/21/23
  paleface 21:45:27 06/18/23

~ Frames of light punch input lag on my set-up:
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Dreamcast: 4
Flycast: 1
· Fighting Street (PCCD)
· Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PS4)
· Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (PC)
· Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP)
· Street Fighter Alpha 3: Saikyo Dojo (DC)
· Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (PS2)
· Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact - Giant Attack (PCB)
· Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (DC)
· Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike (DC)
· Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition (PS3)
· Street Fighter III: Double Impact (DC)
· Street Fighter III: W Impact (DC)
· Street Fighter II Movie (PS1)
· Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (PCB)
· Street Fighter IV (PS3)
· Street Fighter Zero 3 (PS1)
· Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PS3)
· Super Street Fighter II X for Matching Service (DC)

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