Down Undernet.
The Undernet outlaws channel works pretty much like Kali; it's
a place ta go to collect IP addresses of people hostin' games.
Plus it's free: just get an IRC program, log into an Undernet
server, create and enter an
"#Outlaws_players" channel and yer in.
A great idea. And the channel even posts the IP address of the
current main ongoing game. Pretty handy. But that's
not all. Ask around and you'll probably find even more Outlaws
channels out there, such as #lucasarts_outlaws
on EFnet.
What chat functions you have
depends on yer IRC program.
Th' most popular IRC client around is the shareware program mIRC which has tons
an' tons of customizeable features. Still, the interface isn't as user-friendly
fer Outlaws playin'
as Kali. You can't customize yer
font in IRC, fer instance, an' it doesn't list th' ping time next to people's
names. Aw shucks.
Good clients like mIRC are free and take up
very few system resources.
lindow has revolutionized IRC
Outlaws with
"Outnet" (see the
other useful files page), a
tiny utility that runs from a mIRC script. Outnet makes hosting
and joining IP Outlaws games through mIRC a breeze; it truly
is a joy to use; simple, easy, fast and much more reliable
and efficient than the Zone.
If you want to get hardcore, IRC offers very powerful commands and
a lot of control depth for those willing to spend the time learning the interface.
Good clients like mIRC are free and take up very few system resources--you can
leave an IRC window open and your computer will hardly know the difference. Because
of the learning curve, IRC regulars tend to be more technically savvy than
your average internet user. IRC Outlaws stud Vesuvio has asked
me ta point out that most of
th' top level designers hang out in th' Outlaws Players channel,
so if yer lookin' fer LawMaker help head on over
there an' consult some experts.
And for some actual useful information about playing Outlaws via mIRC, longtime
#outlaws_players operator Dontknow sent along this handy
mIRC FAQ which contains
all the information you're likely to need in order to get a good start in this particular Outlaws hangout.